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slavery was common in The Bible

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Q: What did slaveholders justified their ownership of slaves by claiming?
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Many slaveholders justified their ownership of slaves by claiming?

slavery was common in the Bible

How did former slaves and former slaveholders disagree after slavery ended?

Former slaves and former slaveholders often disagreed over issues such as land ownership, labor rights, and equality. Former slaves sought land ownership and economic independence, while former slaveholders resisted granting them full rights and opportunities. These disagreements contributed to ongoing tensions and conflicts in the Reconstruction era.

Why did slaveholder try to convince poor whites that slaves was justified?

Slaveholders tried to convince poor whites that slavery was justified to maintain social order and prevent potential alliances between poor whites and slaves that could threaten the existing power structure. By promoting the idea that whites were superior and deserved more rights and privileges than slaves, slaveholders aimed to divide and control the lower classes to safeguard their own economic interests.

Why did slaveholders try to convince poor and whites that slavery was justified?

Slaveholders wanted to create a united front among all white people to maintain their power and control over slaves. By convincing poor and whites that slavery was justified, they aimed to prevent any potential alliances or uprisings that could threaten the institution of slavery. Additionally, promoting the idea of white superiority helped to uphold a social hierarchy that benefited the slaveholders economically and socially.

How do you think slaveholders were able to justify slavery to themselves?

Slaveholders often justified slavery by viewing slaves as property rather than people, citing economic reasons to maintain the institution, portraying slaves as inferior and in need of guidance, and using religious or cultural beliefs to justify their actions. Additionally, societal norms and customs at the time perpetuated and supported slavery, making it easier for slaveholders to rationalize their actions.

Why did slaveholders claim the wilmot proviso was unconstitutional?

Slaveholders opposed the Wilmot Proviso because Slaveholders argued that slaves were property by the Constitution

In what different ways did slaveholders obedience from their slaves?

the different ways that slaveholders encouraged obedience from their slaves was to offer them more food and better living conditions.

How did landowners explain that owning slaves was all right?

Landowners justified owning slaves by claiming that it was necessary for the economy and their way of life. They argued that slaves were inferior and in need of their guidance, and that it was their duty to provide for and protect them. They also used religious and philosophical arguments to support the idea that slavery was justified and natural.

Why did slaveholders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justfied?

Slaveholders wanted poor whites to feel superior to slaves, so that they would not unite with slaves to challenge the existing power structure. By convincing poor whites that they were better than slaves, slaveholders ensured that their control over slaves remained unchallenged. Additionally, slaveholders sought to maintain social order and stability by preventing potential uprisings or rebellions.

How did landowners explain that owning slaves was alright?

Landowners justified owning slaves by claiming that they were providing care, shelter, and sustenance to individuals who they believed were incapable of taking care of themselves. They also argued that slave ownership was sanctioned by religious beliefs or that it was a traditional practice that was deeply ingrained in society. Finally, they believed that slavery was essential for the economy and that it granted them a higher social status.

What was arguments used by southern slaveholders to justify the institution of slavery?

Southern slaveholders justified slavery using arguments based on economics, religion, and racial superiority. They argued that slavery was necessary for maintaining the Southern economy, that slaves were better off under their care, and that Africans were racially inferior and thus suited for servitude.

How was the fugitive slave act biased in favor of slaveholders?

The Fugitive Slave Act allowed slaveholders to reclaim escaped slaves without due process or evidence of ownership, making it easier for them to enforce slavery in free states. It also imposed penalties on those who aided escaped slaves, thereby discouraging assistance to fugitives. Additionally, the Act denied escaped slaves the right to a trial by jury, further favoring the interests of slaveholders over the liberty of slaves.