

What did the Jews bomb?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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6y ago

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The King David Hotel. Look up "The Stern Gang" and you can see a list of who the perpetrators were..

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Q: What did the Jews bomb?
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Did albert Einstein support the dropping of the atom bomb on japan?

It came to a point that he supported the bomb. He indeed fled Germany when he saw the militarization in that country. Most of the Jews who did not fled Germany were patriots from the first war. When their eyes were opened, it was too late.

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Obviously, Hitler's atrocities are well-known, and his aggressive moves eventually lead to the outbreak of the war. But because he was persecuting Jews, many Jews came the the United States. Among these were scientists like Albert Einstein and many of the scientists that developed the atomic bomb for the United States. So, if Hitler had not persecuted the Jews, it is possible that he could have ended up with the atomic bomb instead of the United States.

How did the atomic bomb contribute to the world war2?

The atomic bomb was decided to be used by Harry S. Truman, during world war 2. He wanted to use the atomic bomb because he wanted japan to surrender, and with all luck they did.This is what was happening on one side of the world.on the other,Hitler was brainwashing the German Nazi's that the Jews needed to be eliminated because Hitler thought the Germans were a master race, and that once he was done with the Jews,he would go from race 2 race until everyone in the world was dead except the Germans.

What kinds of bombs are there?

Smoke bomb Tear bomb Hydrogen bomb Nuclear bomb Water bomb Atomic bomb Fire bomb Grenade Dynamite Poison gas bomb Acid bomb Flare bomb Spark bomb Fireworks Stink bomb

In World War 2 why did the allies not bomb the concentratin camps?

During the first part of WWII the allies were unaware of the consentration camps. Also if we were to bomb a consentration camp everyoe (including the Jews) would die. Doing that would have just made Hitler's job easier.

How were some Jewish children hidden?

They hid in bomb shelters, were shipped out of the country secretly, or were hidden in cellars.

Were the scientists who made the atomic bomb German captives who cooperated with the us to make the bomb?

No, everyone working on the Manhattan Project worked voluntarily, none were prisoners. They were an assortment of people: US citizens, British citizens, Canadian citizens, prewar European refugees, Danish refuges escaped from the Nazis, etc. Many were German Jews determined not to let the Nazis get an Atomic bomb first.

Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.