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It is not possible to group the personal thoughts of millions of people into one answer, and give it a label. Americans are not just one race, one culture, one religion, one political party, or of one background. There will be those that love Muslims, those that fear them, those that don't understand them, those that are curious about them, those that hate them, and those that are totally indifferent. However, this mix of opinions can be found anywhere in the world. Although there are some problems with people not being able to get along, I think overall people seem to be tolerant and open minded. The problem is, the times there is a conflict or incident, that is what people hear about. Trouble always gets public attention. My sister in law is Muslim, but I am not. We still have coffee together at the table and talk about our kids. However, that will never make the news, so we never hear the good stories.

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13y ago

Well, the United States say it is "Freedom of Religion" and all religions are welcomed. I think the United States still may have some doubts; especially after the attack. I mean the US Army is fighting in Islamic countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. It is not fair for the US Army going to Afghanistan and earning $1 Trillion for the minerals and artifacts. Everyone has their own opinion and so does the United States.

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7y ago

Answer 1

Close to 1% of America is made up of the Muslim religion. So one cannot have a definite answer.

Most people in this world, especially ones from other nations, think Americans are arrogant and ignorant. But most people mainly hate American politics.

Other than that, most of the world loves American entertainment such as movies, Video Games, sports, music and even books. They also love American food, cars, airplanes, computers, and many other inventions.

Americans are generous, the most generous people in the world. And are no more ignorant than any other peoples, nor are we exceedingly arrogant. When natural disasters strike other lands, who is first on the scene? Americans, that's who.

Answer 2

Generally, Muslims like American people but most of Muslims don't like American policy towards Muslim peoples especially the Palestinians, Pakistanis, Iraqis, and Sudanese. They believe that they follow biased policy against them.

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10y ago

Muslims view the Americans generally as good people. Many Muslims live in the US in harmony with the Americans; cooperating together for the benefit of their institutions and society. However, Muslims don't like the American foreign policy that is biased against Islamic country own independence and aspirations, biased for serving only the US and Israel own interests and benefits. Refer to related question below.

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7y ago

There are certainly Muslims who do like Americans and others who are less inclined to do this. Generally, Muslims appreciate the political rights and freedoms about America and the ease of life in America, but are significantly less supportive of US Foreign Policy.

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13y ago

Many, if not most, Americans treat Muslims fairly and don't generalize. However, some are prejudiced against Muslims.

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14y ago

Many are indifferent to the people of the continents, and a fair number are American themselves. Others are somewhat more aggressive.

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