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Buddha's teachings are based on four noble truths, which to summarize are basically that life on earth is suffering, this suffering is caused by desire, there is a way to overcome the suffering and desire, and by following the eight-fold path suffering can be eliminated. the eightfold path is about self discipline, meditation is common and Buddhists believe in karma (the cycle of life, death, rebirth) which only an enlightened Buddha can be free from. All human beings can strive to become enlightened. Zen Buddhism is a form of Buddhism most influenced by Tao

Taoism doesn't have any specific leader or any rituals like other religions do. It asserts that nature acts with spontaneity and one needs to therefore cultivate naturalness and spontaneity. Harmony with Tao (Tao="the way") can't be followed or taught, and it's all about personal balance and inner stillness. Meditation is really big in Taoism too.

Taoism isn't really like any other religion, but both religions have to do with a personal journey (Buddhists journey for enlightenment, Taoists journey to be harmonious with the ways of nature), and meditation plays a significant role in both religions. that's about it though

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