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edit by abaddon:

they'll eat small fish (you can go to your local pet store and buy "feeder fish" or guppies, they work well, some plants, crickets, anything with protein that isn't big enough to hurt them. fish is the best route, (~12 to 29 cents a fish) since it simulates hunting in the wild, and they get a substantial meal when they want it (you dont have to worry about feeding them, they'll feed themselves).

they will tire of the turtle pellets, so that's not generally a good option. but they do like the "zoo med's turtle treats." it is basically dried up, shredded insects.

i hope that helps. also, they need vitamin d, in the form of egg shells, or the pellets if they'll take them. you can also but pre-made supplements for them. just read up on how to get them calcium. also, it depends on the age of the turtle (younger ones are usually more aggressive and tend to enjoy hunting, while older turtles prefer vegetation.)

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15y ago
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14y ago

Hey there, Slider turtles eat probably anything. My slider (RES) eats stix, meat, lettuce, krill, and dried up shrimp!! Hope you can answer some of my questions! Bugzly12- good luck with ur turtle

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14y ago

Well, Yellow Eared Sliders eat a variety of things, but if you get your turtle from the wild; you might want to stay away from the pet store food for awhile Then after a couple of weeks mix the two foods; (put both pet store food in and other plant, fruit, veggies, fish, etc.) You can also feed them frozen shrimp for the pet store, but be sure that if he/she does NOT like a food; do not continue putting it in the tank; for it will just make the tank nasty.

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Q: What do baby slider turtle eat?
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How much does a red ear slider baby turtle eat?

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Your turtle dont eat turtle food which is floating?

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Young baby turtles can eat many different ,but something easy is wiggle tails or baby mosquitos

How do you look after a baby red eared slider turtle?

you watch it

Will slider turtle eat goldfish?

Yes. My red ear slider turtles love to chase, catch and eat goldfish.

What will happen if you put a baby false map turtle in a tank with an adult red eared slider?

what will happen is that the baby false map turtle will get along with the red ear slider .B ut it will just take a will.

Can a red eared slider turtle get pregnant on its own?

just throw your sperm in the tank and the turtle will eat it and it will be pregnet

What kind of turtle is a slider turtle?

A slider turtle is basically like a category of turtles including the Yellow Belly Slider Turtle and the Red Eared Slider turtle.

What fish can you feed your red eared slider?

Your turtle can eat feeder fish.

Can a sucker fish live with red eared slider if the turtle is 6 years old?

Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.

What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.

My red eared slider wont eat you dont know what to do I feed him cut bananas and turtle pellets but he wont eat what should you do you dont want him to die of hunger please help me?

I have a red eared slider too. If you turtle is a baby dont worry until the third week or so. You can also try raw meat, baby turtles are usally carnivorous. If your turtle doesnt eat by the third week you should see a doctor. A list of foods for turtles is cooked chiken for a snack or treat, bloodworms, earthworms,veggies, fruits, pinkie mice, and you can also try frozen turtle pellets called NATURAL AQUATIC TURTLE FOOD. I hope it all works with your little slider GOOD LUCK