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everyday life skills-fine motor skills such as picking up objects, brushing their teeth, etc. Also they often have self-esteem issues since some people stare at them

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Q: What do deformed people have difficult with?
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Why do people perceive Mr.Hydes as deformed?

His soul is deformed by evil

Why are cooking apples deformed?

Cooking apples are not necessarily deformed. People cook with deformed apples because they are not pretty enough to use in other ways.

What phobia is the fear of monsters?

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people

Can deformed people be fixed?

Yes, some deformed people are real. There are at least 1,827 ways people can come out deformed, but listing them all would be too long. Some examples are genetic defect, folic acid deficiency, and chromosomal abnormalities.

How do you tell if your genitals is deformed?

compare them to other people's.

What is the original diagnosis for teratophobia?

not sure what you mean by "original diagnosis", but... Teratophobia -- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

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insane disgusting freaks

Do people have bigger heads than arm?

not usually only if your deformed

Can a fish be deformed?

== == Yes,it can be deformed.

What are some charities that support deformed people?

People who suffer from deformities may require additional assistance and fortunately there are charities that support deformed people and research. Some charities include Changing Faces, Operation Smile, and Smile Train.

Why don't deformed people die when they get shot or stabbed?

poor aim mostly

Why do people perceive Mr. Hyde as deformed?

what type of deform did dr hyde have.Mr. Hyde was not deformed he was merely Dr. Jekyll with all the goodness subtracted therefore he was shrunken with pronounced features, really large eyebrows ect. However, even thought Stevenson never directly said Mr. Hyde was deformed he made every attempt to suggest that he was.