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Willfully ignorant...Of their own will, they ignore facts, sound advice, accurate information and the truth...They are willfully ignorant

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Q: What do you call a person who refuses to learn?
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What do you call a person who refuses to help?


How do you call a person who refuses to join a political party?

Non-partisan or independent.

What do you call a person who loves to learn?

A phylomath.

What do you call a snowman who refuses to melt?

You could call a snowman who refuses to melt a "resilient snowman" or a "stubborn snowman."

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A person who is slow to learn is a?

The trouble that there are sorts of medical terms for someone who is slow learner. A person who is slow to learn maths is dyscalcic, a person slow to learn reading is dyslexic, a person who is slow to learn balance or similar poise is call a dyspraxic. It depends on how easy the skill is to learn, whether the person enjoys doing it and if they practise.

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What do you do when your doctor refuses to send you to a specialist?

call the boss

What does one call a person who helps others to learn how to access their individual knowing capacities?

A mentor is a person who helps others to learn how to access their individual knowing capacities.

What should you do if you loan your CD collection to a friend and that person refuses to return it?

Call the police ,guards ,cops what ever it is in your counrty and supply them with a recipt of proof of purchase

What do you call someone who refuses to take a required oath?


What happens to the person that takes in a minor without the minors parernts permission?

A person who takes in a minor with the parents' permission may face criminal charges. It is best to call the parents or the police if the minor refuses to leave.