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In most states, you have to prove you are able, willing, and actively seeking full time work and report same on at least a weekly basis. If you are on vacation, it would seem you could not comply with those conditions. Check with your state employment security office for clarification.

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Q: What do you do if you're on unemployment and you go on vacation?
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Are you eligible to receive unemployment if asked you to take 3 wee ks vacation without pay?

Vacation implies that you still have a job. So, you would not receive unemployment benefits. And, even if you were to get benefits, I'm sure you wouldn't have a job to go back to afterwards.

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Does vacation pay affect unemployment benefits in Illinois?

Yes. According to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act when your employer pays for your unused vacation time or promises to pay in the future, it is considered wages and you are ineligible for that vacation period. Also, by Illinois law, the employer has to pay for that unused vacation time.

Can you collect unemployment in Illinois when you are only laid off for 1 week?

No, one week without work is not unemployment. It's a vacation.

Can you collect unemployment and go on vacation?

Not if you are properly following the rules and regulations of the employment security office, including reporting each week, actively and continuously seeking full time employment, etc., which is contrary to activity whole on vacation.

How do you get nits?

Well they come out youre bum crack and go in youre hair x

When did Go Vacation happen?

Go Vacation happened in 2011.

What happens to unemployment rate after a recession?

After a recession, the unemployment rate will go down.

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Can I apply for unemployment online?

no you may not apply for unemployment online you have to go to the nearest unemployment office and apply in person.

When was Go Vacation created?

Go Vacation was created on 2011-10-11.