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Honestly its up to you! You will know when you have added alot but it all depends on the people eating and their likings. It might have a weird taste maybe try making a different chili w/o clove then compare it to one w/ clove...GOODLUCK

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11y ago
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12y ago

Not knowing what the intended end result or dish was to be, the following ways to fix this may or may not apply to the recipe you had in mind. Also not knowing if the problem with having too much chili powder is that the heat level from the hot peppers is too high, or the other flavors, such as the cumin, are too strong adds another complexity to the answer. The easiest cure for the problem, regardless of the above mentioned variables, would be to add more ground beef; you could double the recipe and freeze half, or if you really added way too much, triple the recipe and freeze two-thirds or share with a neighbor or friend. Turning a mistake into a party is always a great idea!

If you were making chili, and you can not add more ground beef, you could add water to the browned ground beef and begin making the soup by simmering the meat in the liquid to render the fats. Then cool it, and place it overnight in the refrigerator and the oil will rise to the top of the liquid and harden so you can skim it off. Much of the heat of the Chile powder (powdered chile peppers and not the spice mix called Chili Powder that also contains chile powder) in the Chili Powder will be held in the oil and you can get rid of it that way.

But if you can not wait for an overnight cure, and you can not double the recipe, then the next best thing would be to add a few cubed potatoes and cook them in liquid with the beef until they are cooked through. The potatoes will absorb the flavors; you pull them out and discard them and start over with your recipe, although you may have to taste to see if the potatoes removed enough of the flavor. Another thing you can do is add potatoes to leave in the dish to "dilute" the flavors with more ingredients, or add beans, rice, hominy, or pasta (like elbow macaroni) to do the same thing. Finally, you can make tortilla soup by adding torn pieces of corn tortillas at the end of the cooking time and, when serving the dish, you can crumble some tortilla chips on top.

If all that fails, add cheese to the dish or top it with cheese, which helps when things are too hot. Or eat plenty of crackers or tortilla chips. Then drink milk on the side, or a milk shake, or eat ice cream for dessert. The casein in milk and the fats in the dairy products are good antidotes for extra heat. Another option is to eat bananas, which will also fight the burn in your mouth.

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11y ago

If they are whole cloves, you can try to fish them all out. If you added powdered cloves, or prefer not to fish out the whole cloves, you can try adding more of everything else to balance out the too-strong clove, or adding honey or sugar to drown the clove flavor out.

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15y ago

I've heard you can use a little beer, or some sour cream. Good luck.

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16y ago

Make a rich past of poppy seeds and add

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11y ago

and more spices

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