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Happy birthday.

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Q: What does Felix natalis tibi sit mean?
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How do you say To many more years in Latin?

Felix dies tibi sit,Felix dies tibi sit,Felix dies tibi sit (Insert name here) ,Felix dies tibi sit . might be a little faulty on the third line cos im only 11yrs old In my Latin class we sing: Felix dies natalis tibi Felis dies natalis tibi Felix dies natalis mi amici (mi amici=my dear friend, just put "mi [name in genitive case]") Felix dies natalis tibi

How do I write Happy Birthday in Latin?

Felix sit natalis dies or felicem diem natalem

What does the Latin phrase 'Felix dies tibi sit' mean?

"May a good day be with you," which I suppose also translates to, in a way, "Have a nice day."

How do you say 'Happy Valentine's Day' in Latin?

The Latin equivalent of the English greeting 'Happy Valentine's Day' is Felix dies Valentini. In the word-by-word translation, the adjective 'Felix' means 'happy'. The noun 'dies' means 'day'. The noun 'Valentini' means 'Valentine's'.

What does the word sit in Felix sit natalis dies mean?

The word 'sit' in "felix sit natalis dies" is the present subjunctive form of 'est'. The subjunctive mood indicates an action that may or may not take place; used independently, it often expresses a desire that this action might occur. In this case, a probable translation of the word 'sit' is: "let it be" or "may it be." And so, literally, we have: "Happy let be of your birth the day", or "May the day of your birth be happy"!

What has the author Wilhelm Hartke written?

Wilhelm Hartke has written: 'Sit tibi terra levis formulae quae fuerint fata'

What is Hopkins School's motto?

Hopkins School's motto is 'Quod felix faustumque sit'.

What is the meaning of 'Postquam hominis corpus in terra est positum dictum est sit tibi terra Levis'?

The sentence in Latin has to do with burial and funeral customs. For the English equivalent of 'Postquam hominis corpus in terra est positum dictum est sit tibi terra levis' is the following: After a human body is laid in the earth, one says, May the earth lie lightly upon you. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'postquam' means 'after'; 'hominis' means 'human'; 'corpus' means 'body'; 'in' means 'in'; 'terra' means 'the earth'; 'est' means '[it] is'; 'positum' means 'deposited, placed or put'; 'dictum' means 'said'; 'sit' means '[it] may be situated or lie'; 'tibi' means 'to you'; 'levis' means 'lightly'.

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What does sientense mean?

"Siéntense" and "Siéntese" mean "Sit" (the command).

What does they sit en banc mean?

they sit on the bench

What is the plural of sit-up?

If you mean a sit-up as in the exercise, the plural is sit-ups.