

Best Answer

= Answer = In the state of Ga it means that you been to jail.

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Q: What does a star tattooed on inside of left wrist mean?
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Related questions

What do tattoos of names on the left wrist mean?

Tattoos of names on the left wrist mean that someone was important. Names that are tattooed on the body are very important names to these people.

What do the three black lines mean for paramore?

It is there logo or sign. Hayley has it tattooed on left wrist. Thanks for asking:D

Which side is corsage placed on?

you wear it on the left wrist to mean your taken and on the right if your single

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What do 3 dots on left wrist mean?

it means ur apart of or support the gang sur-13

What does Fernando Torres's tattoo mean?

He has his daughter's name, Nora, on his right arm. He has his wife's name, Olalla, on his left arm. On the inside of his left forearm he has a tattoo in Tengwar writing meaning Fernando. On the inside of his right arm he has the number 9, which stands for his jersey number that he wears for the Spanish national team, his current club Liverpool and his former club Atletico Madrid. On the inside of his right leg he has the roman number VII VII MMI (7 7 2001)

What is a tattoo on the wrist in punk rock mean?

The tattoo on Alyssa Milano's left wrist is the Buddhist symbol "Om." This word, used in religious and meditative chanting, refers to the universe's essence.

Why do girls get tattooed?

Because we can! Why can men get tattooed then? Because tattoos have meaning and they are hott. I have plenty and they all mean something to me.

Does a tattoo of a female name on left wrist mean lesbian?

No female name of left wrist does not mean lesbian. It is believed that like a wedding ring that goes on left hand ring finger is symbolic for loving one and remembering the commitment as left hand and wrist area is considered directly connected to the heart. So one could have the name of a friend, mom, sister, niece, aunt and so forth as a remembrance of that special individual who touched their life but is no longer with them. Now, if the tattoo has a rainbow and the female name, it could mean that was the name of their first lesbian love.

What is the inside part of your from your wrist to the base of your fingers?

If you mean bone structure these small dice shaped bones are carpels and meta-carpels.

What is the meaning of a lip tattoo?

im training to become a tattoo artist and to have the inside of your lip tattooed means whatever you want it to.It doesnt mean anything, except what you want it to.

What does tracking left mean?

this means to go left in the arena - how do you know if your tracking left? your left arm will be on the inside (towards the middle of the arena) this goes the same for tracking right - your left arm will be on the inside