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The tilde symbol in a web address (eg. usually means that the website belongs to the user with the name after the tilde (in this example, the username is "tim")

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Q: What does a tilde symbol usually mean at the beginning of a web address?
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What is symbol below tilde called?

It's a grave accent. See Below.

What is tilde operator in c and how its work?

In C, the tilde operator (~) is the bitwise NOT operator. It returns the ones-complement of its operand. That is, the individual bits of the input are inverted in the output, such that all 0s becomes 1s and all 1s become 0s. Note that the bitwise NOT (~) and logical NOT (!) operators are used for entirely different purposes. With logical NOT, the operator evaluates true (the all-ones bit pattern) when the operand is false (the all-zeroes bit pattern), which is exactly the same as the ones-complement used in bitwise NOT. However, if the operand represents anything other than the all-zeroes bit pattern, the output is the all-zeroes bit pattern. We can compare the two operators by examining what happens to the bits in each operation. Let's use the value 42 (binary 00101010) as the input. ~42 -43 !42 false Note that the binary value 11010101 represents -42 on a ones-complement system. However, most systems today use twos-complement notation for signed values, thus if we want to negate a value regardless of which notation is utilised by the system we must use the unary minus operator. On a twos-complement system, unary minus is equivalent to adding 1 to the ones-complement representation of the operand. Thus -42 is equivalent to (~42) + 1 = (~00101010) + 00000001 = 11010101 + 00000001 = 11010110 = -42.

A method that is automatically called when an instance of a class is created?

The constructor of a class is automatically called when an instance of the class is created (using new in C++). The constructor method has the same name as the class that it is a part of. Constructors have no type and do not return anything. Similarly, the destructor is automatically called when the instance of the class is destroyed. The destructor is the same name as the class and is preceded by a tilde (~) For example: class Example { public: Example() // Constructor { printf("Object created\n"); } ~Example() // Destructor { printf("Object destroyed\n") } }; int main() { Example* x = new Example(); // Creates object, calls constructor delete x; // Calls destructor, deletes object return 0; }

Related questions

What does a tilde symbol mean at the beginning of a web address?

The tilde symbol in a web address (eg. usually means that the website belongs to the user with the name after the tilde (in this example, the username is "tim")

What is the meaning of tilde in computer keyboard symbol?

The tilde symbol is used in mathematics to represent infinity.

What is the math symbol for similarity?

Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.

What is the symbol above the Tab on the keyboard?

~ tilde ` prime

What is the tilde used for in Fedora?

The tilde (~) usually refers to the user's home directory.

Is there a slang meaning to the symbol tilde symbol?

it is just a way of pronouncing a word with inflections of the voice.

What is the mathematical approximately sign?

The double tilde symbol "≈" approximately equal to

Where is the tilde key on a keyboard?

its this key ~ but no one knows how to activate it!

What kind of grapheme is tilde?

The tilde character ("~") is used for several different options. Actually it belongs to the category "typographic symbols", since it is not a phonographic symbol.

Where do you put the tilde in Spanish?

The tilde (~) is a symbol that goes above the letter n, to form the letter ñ. Some words are spelled with ñ and some are spelled with n.

What is the symbol for median in statistics?

There is none just use M x(~)- the tilde is above the x

What is the name of the uppercase symbol left of the exclamation point on a keyboard?

Do you mean this: ~ It's called a tilde.