

What does a tumor look like?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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it looks like pimples

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Q: What does a tumor look like?
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What do tumor's on beef liver look like?

Tumors on beef liver will look like hard irregular masses. They will have unclear edges and will have a mass of blood vessels attached to them.

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Eye cancer can present as a white or greyish spot on the iris or a dark spot on the eyelid. Other symptoms may include blurred vision, changes in the size or shape of the pupil, and vision loss. It's important to see an eye doctor if you notice any unusual changes in your eyes.

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How solver problem tumor the nipple for puppies was sucked milk after that becomestuck milk route to nipple become grow look like tumor? Look a tumor size by hand. If you need see picture of tumor. I will email to you. Can you help me to understand why got tumor grow? My dog's 9 years old. 3 inches diameter last Dec 2008 til five inches diameter tumor now. (10 months) really fast grow. Somehow I take something tablets pills or powder help stop pain or kill tumor or other wise. Thanks... for need help.

Why is a chest x ray needed if you find out you have a brain tumor?

It is not. However, if there may be a 'secondary' tumor in the brain (something that has spread to the brain), it would be wise to start with a chest x-ray to look for the 'primary' tumor.

What is animal tumor?

an animal tumor is just like a human tumor but you can get it taken off at your vet the reason i know is i had a dog who had a tumor in his leg and he didn't make it because we couldn't afford it to get it taken off so we had to put him to sleep

What is the difference between seroma and ceroma?

seroma is a tumor-like collection of serum, whereas ceroma is a tumor of degenerated tissue.

Why is a tumor not a parasite?

A tumor is not a parasite because a parasite is a flesh eating bacterial bug thatforms under skin or in organs. A tumor is like a muscle or like play dough formed by the diagnosion of cancer and tightens aroun said organs or muscles.

What does a tumor look and feel like?

Presentation of a tumor in the body can vary depending upon the part of the body involved. It mostly presents as a lump, which is nontender, hard in consistency and fixed to the underlying structures. It can also present in the form of an ulcer in the body as in cases of Basal cell carcinoma.

What is the difference from a hard tumor or a soft tumor?

A hard tumor is not a tumor