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Whenever they take a "Vote of Cloture" any further discussion, regarding the bill, is eliminated and thus forces a vote sending it to the next body in the government. There is a big question if this is constitutional or not. The goal of the government is to discuss the bill so all parties have a voice and the people get a chance to hear all sides. By forcing the vote, without further discussion, it removes any form of "transparency" and pushes the bill through quickly.

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Q: What does a vote of cloture mean in the Senate?
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What motion which cuts off debate and forces a vote by a vote of 60 senators?

In the United States Senate, the motion is "cloture".

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by a motion for cloture that requires 60 senators to vote to cut off debate.

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What is the term used to describe the movement to end a filibuster and forced congress to vote on an act?

Cloture is the term used to describe the movement to end a filibuster and force Congress to vote on an act. Under the cloture rule, the Senate may limit consideration of pending matters to 30 additional hours, with three-fifths of full Senate vote.

How many votes does it take to invoke cloture in the senate?

60% of those voting are needed to stop debate on ordinary legislation. (2/3 are needed to end debate on senate rules and only 51% are needed to close debate on presidential appointments, other than for supreme court justices.)

Limit senators speaking time?

A cloture can be invoked by a 2/3 vote in the Senate to end a filibuster.

What limits senators speaking time?

This would be a cloture procedure. In the United States, for example, a 2/3 vote of the Senate can invoke a cloture, thus ending a filibuster.

A manoeuvre that limits debate to thirty hours?

A cloture is a measure used to limit a Senate debate to 30 hours. In order for a cloture to occur, three-fifths of the entire Senate membership must vote yay for the petition to pass.

How can a filibuster be ended?

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