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Almost any type of exercise can be done in a continuous way. Jogging, cycling, and swimming are often the most common, but the style of exercise is nowhere near as important as the manner in which it is accomplished. The most important part of this type of training is the amount of time spent performing the exercise.

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12y ago

It is a type of training where you train at a consistent pace. An example of this is the Cooper Run.

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it helps improve your cardiovascular/aerobic endurance, so you can supply oxygen to your muscle more efficiently helping you last longer during exercise.

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How does continuous training improve your performance?

because it does

What training methods should i you use continuous fartlek interval circuit weight cross training?

Depends on what you want to achieve and what you need to improve. Most people benefit from a mixed programme.

What sports uses continuous training?

It not what sports use continuous training. It's more about the person playing it and how well they want to do in it. Because people who don't care much and don't worry about being good wont really use continuous training, but someone who wants to be the best and progress in the sport will do continuous training no matter what sport it is.

How will you improve your muscular endurance?

Circuit training doesn't give the muscles time to relax in between each station. Thus putting more stress on the muscles and making allowing them to have better endurance. ^douche. between each station there's short intervals as resting period are important during circuit training. boom.

What sport best fits continuous training?


How can a university improve its customer service?

University improve their customer service by providing proper training training to the staff.

What does continuous training involve?

bob nice one mate.

What is the other term for continuous training?

Long Distance running

How do you improve the standard of an athlete?

Training to improve fitness and strength, coaching and practice to improve technique

Why would an athlete use continuous training?

Continuous training is very popular by cyclers or marathon runners because continuous training improves both, endurance fitness and muscular fitness. IT IMPROVES VERY WELL THE CARDIOVASCULAR FTNESS

What are the 5 different types of training used for training in netball?

well there is weight training, fartlek,continuous, interval , circuit, flexibility and weight

What is an advantage of continuous training?

Weight loss Better Cardio Vascular