

What does drinking milk after a shower do?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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You turn into a Zombie and turn your whole Family to Zombies then they go to work tomorrow only to turn their coworkers into zombies which will soon start a zombie apocalypse. Please don't drink milk.

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When did people start drinking milk?

People have always been drinking milk. The young drink the milk of their mothers to survive.

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It is healtier either way.

Can you develop health problems from drinking milk?

Excessive milk drinking can cause milk alkali syndrome - excess of calcium in blood

Where does drinking milk come from?

Depending on what kind of drinking milk you are talking about Regular milk: Comes from cows Almond milk: Comes from almonds And there is also goat milk which obviously comes from goats

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Can you grow taller by drinking Nestle Nesvita?

It doesn't matter what kind of milk you are drinking, Milk helps you grow so by drinking 2 or 3 glasses of milk everyday will help you grow tall! :)

Can drinking ultra pastuerized milk affect a growing fetus?

Drinking milk while pregnant is good for the mother. The fetus will get what it needs whether the mother drinks milk or not. Ultra pasteurized milk has no different affect on mother or fetus than pasteurized milk. Drinking unpasteurized milk while pregnant is not recommended.

Why do you get cold after drinking milk?

This is an individual thing and not a medical thing. There is no direct reason you would get cold after drinking milk. If you have an allergy to milk, that could be one sign.

Is drinking milk after eating meat good?

In drinking milk after eating meat good? What problem will faced our body for the activities?

What are the side effect drinking milk after having fish?

There is no side effects of drinking milk after having fish. In some countries, people believe that drinking milk after eating fish will cause a skin disorder. This is simply not true.

Is Drinking of Anthrax infected Cow's milk safe?

No, it is not safe, the microorganism (B. anhracis) is secreted in the milk of animal infected with anthrax. You can acquire the disease by drinking this milk.