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I am 31 y FM. I have been eating starch for 13years. I started out eating at the begining of my pregnancy. I found it to be the only thing I craved. 13 years later I find my self severely anemic and after 1 blood transfusion, I still find myself eating 1-2 boxes per week. This is not good for you. It is a eating disorder and you may need to seek help as a drug addict would do. I have the same feening as a junkie. I will get up in the middle of the night 1-2am and get several boxes. I hide them from my children as they disapprove and it is embarrasing to tell friends. I have just completed 6 weeks of iron infusion to increase my level of blood and iron. It doesn't help when I am sucking through a straw or eating with a spoon for breakfast, lunch and dinner,and midnight snack as well. It makes me feel droggy and not wanting to do much but eat and sleep. Get your self checked. I am learning the hard way. I have not had any for about 5 days and I am trying desparately to quick if not for myself for the sake my children who depend on me to live.


Answerwhat is the health risks eating argo cornstarch. i Have to have a box now once a week. i was a month or one box will last me for 2 months. i know woman who are expecting crave it,but I'm not expecting AnswerIt is amzing to see that other people have had the same problem as myself. I am a 24 year old female and started craving starch during my pregnancy with my son. I ate like 2 boxes a day and eventually I was up to like 3 maybe 4. I gained so much weight (up to about 200lbs) and I was iron deficient and anemic. It made me feel lazy and miserable most of the time. I havent touched a box of starch in almost 5 years...thank the Lord. I just said to myself I couldn't look in the mirror anymore and I was simply too young for this. What keeps me from picking it up again because my mother eats it my driver's license picture. I looked like total ham...I can't see myself ever going back to that. Unfortunately, it is an'm laughing because no one ever understood how it could be...but it is. I would throw my last box away as to say I am not eating it anymore and then get up in the middle of the night no matter the time or weather to go to the store to buy another one. It was horrible. I really wish you luck...I know what you are going through. AnswerThis condition is called Amylophagia. It has been associated with anemia (low iron levels in the blood). Nothing done to excess is good for you. Talk to your doctor. There are treatments for this condition.
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12y ago
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15y ago

I know of a great cornstarch support group that may be able to answer some of your questions concerning the side effects of eating cornstarch. Eating too much cornstarch has been associated with anemia, and the condition of craving cornstarch is known as Amylophagia. It is treatable. Talk to your doctor about it.

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12y ago

What i can say that cornstarch do to the body is it makes you gain a lot of weight yes, you do eat probably maybe 1 to 2 boxes a day and then on top of that you drink sodas and other stuff. It is very addictive. It causes problems in your life far as your family and other areas. It leaves this white ring around your mouth that looks like you have been eating powdered donuts. Its not good at all. I have been eating it since I had my last child and that was in 1996 and i still have been eating it to this day. I have gained more wait than i need to. I am only 4'11 and that is to much weight for me to carry its time to stop. I want to be healthy again and have energy to do things. Its a bad idea stay off of it and yes, it is bad for your body i truly believe this.

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14y ago

Cornstarch Nutrition Facts:

9 g (Approx. 1 Tbsp) yields 35 calories, 0 mg of sodium, Total Carbohydrate 8 g, Fiber 0 g, Protein 0 g, and provides 0% of recommended daily iron, calcium, Vit C or Vit A. 9 g of Cornstarch is an amount used as a reference point only. It is not a suggested serving size as it's common use is as food thickener not a single food item. This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. Cornstarch (9 g) has an inflammatory factor of -46. What is this? The IF (Inflammation Factor) Rating™ estimates the inflammatory or anti-inflammatory potential of individual foods or combinations of foods by calculating the net effect of different nutritional factors, such as fatty acids, antioxidants, and glycemic impact. Reference:

How to interpret the values: Foods with positive IF Ratings are considered anti-inflammatory, and those with negative IF Ratings are considered inflammatory. The higher the number, the stronger the effect. The goal is to balance negative foods with positive foods so that the combined rating for all foods eaten. Cornstarch's factor of -46 (IF Rating™) is a negative meaning that the food is considered to be inflammatory (i.e. increases inflammation). There is no upper or lower limit for the IF Ratings, so you'll see a wide range of values reported. IF Ratings are also dependent on serving size. Reference: http:/

That being said, cornstarch if consumed alone would have be consider inflammatory and therefore could negatively impact overall health. Modern nutrition experts, including Andrew Weil, Nicholas Perricone, and Barry Sears, have written many books about diet's link to inflammation, and have promoted the increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help control or reduce inflammation. Until now, however, the recommendations regarding anti-inflammation diets have been limited to a relatively small group of foods. That limitation has been lifted with the introduction of the IF (Inflammation Factor) Rating™.

Adding other foods with complementary amino acid profiles to this food may yield a more complete protein source and improve the quality of some types of restrictive diets. As with all foods/all things in life, moderation and balance is the best approach. Cornstarch alone is not a "bad" food and for those with Celiac Disease, it's a wonderful replacement for the gluten in baking.

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15y ago

i head its for bad for health ...

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Q: What does eating cornstarch do to the body?
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Looking for the blue and white box of cornstarch?

Yes, I have been eating cornstarch for sometime now. I am worried about what it is doing to my body. I started eating cornstarch by the box with my third and forth child. My husband caught me liking the baby powder and introduced me to the cornstarch instead. He told me that it was healthier to consume and that it was actually food. Recently I went to the doctor and I was told that my iron was low so I am now taking iron pills for supplement and I haven't eaten cornstarch in about 5 to 6 months. However, I am still concerned about the negative effects, if any, from eating so much of the cornstarch and what can I do to get it out of my system.

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I eat shower and bath deodorant body powder with baking soda and cornstarch and im pregnant will it hurt the baby?

While cornstarch and baking soda are non-toxic, all people, pregnant or not, should avoid eating deodorant.

Can eating cornstarch whiten your teeth?

No....try baking soda

What happens to your body if you eat raw cornstarch?

what do cornstarch do to your body

Can eating cornstarch from the box be harmful in the longrun?

Probably night, but it may constipate you! Too much of anything, even a good thing, can be harmful to your body. Having a craving to eat large amounts of cornstarch is a condition called Amylophagia. Talk to your doctor about it, there are treatments for it.

Can eating cornstarch give you clogged arteries?

No. Clogged arteries are caused by too much 'bad' cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood...nothing to do with cornstarch.

Can eating cornstarch while pregnant harm the baby?

It is not harmful but it can contribute to weight gain.

Making homemade slime with cornstarch and water. Is cornstarch harmful if swallowed?

No, cornstarch is not harmful if swallowed. It is used in many recipes and pre-made food. However, eating it in large quantities can be harmful, like almost any other food. (e.g. eating a whole bag of sugar won't go over so well) Resource:

What are marsh mellows made of?

marsh mellows are made of cornstarch and sugar puffed with air. DO NOT pay attention to the other answer on mash mellow. It's probably to scare you from eating it.

Does eating babypowder cornstarch kill you?

You should not eat raw cornstarch, as it is linked to anemia and iron deficiency and may cause digestive issues such as gas and bloating. Raw cornstarch may also harbor harmful bacteria which can cause food-borne illnesses; cook it to ensure it is safe to consume

I can't stop eating cornstarch Is there anything that I can substitute for cornstarch that will make me just as happy?

It sounds like you have a medical condition known as Pica. Pica is an appetite for non-nutritive substances (e.g., coal, soil, chalk, paper etc.) or an abnormal appetite for some things that may be considered foods, such as food ingredients (e.g., flour, raw potato, starch). See the link below for more information. There may be a particular substance that is in cornstarch that your body is craving for some reason, and there may be a solution to it other than eating cornstarch or a substitute. On further research I have discovered the exact term for your condition is Amylophagia. Please see the link below concerning this subject for more information.