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  • Dating in 8th grade consists of whatever the couple is comfortable with. Usually this may be going to a Bowling alley once in a while, or seeing a movie, etc. It should not be composed of anything sexual. It is very harmful for the mental and physical health of the couple. It also depends on how long you've been 'going out.' If you have just started dating, I don't recommend kissing all the time. Save that for later stages.
  • I am also in eighth grade and I don't feel comfortable dating yet. I have since last year. and I can suggest to you to NOT give your heart (emotionally) to anyone. I did and it really hurts, especially when they don't want it anymore and they break up with you and your heart gets all damaged. Wait until after you are 17 and until then never take dating seriously.
  • Nothing physical, maybe holding hands but nothing more. Don't take it too seriously. this is why I didn't date at all when I was that age it's just not a great idea, because then your heart gets all tangled up and broken. Listen to all the people kids, if you give your heart away that young it WILL get broken (I didn't date but I did give my heart away), and having your heart broken is something not to be taken lightly. You will wish it had never happened. That said, you can still have fun, go to stuff like bowling, movies, skating, just the type of things you would do with your friends. At that age the only point of having a boy/girlfriend is to be able to say you have one really.
  • Dating in the eight grade would normally be just a movie or bowling or calling them. You shouldn't kiss them unless you are ready. Don't do anything more than kissing though. Make sure you really like them too.
  • If you make a whole lot of public display of affection other people will gossip about you and say your a player. And they will say a lot worse things. Don't get all loosy goosy on him/her and stuff. That, for surely, will take it too far. Don't let him or her have TOO much control over you. You should be in control of yourself because then you can take it as far as your own self is comfortable with. Dating in eighth grade consists of hanging out and doing stuff out of school together.
  • Just have fun. Don't take it seriously. And yes, never give your heart away. It may cause serious problems in your life.
  • If you really like him/her, you can take him or her out to the movies, go sledding in the winter, or go swimming with him/her and both your friends and their friends in the summer. He/she will totally love that. If your special someone loves books, take him/her to a bookstore or a library. If he/she loves sports, take him/her to his/her favorite high school's Basketball or football game. Don't get that serious though. You're only in 8th grade!! Calling is good too at your age.
  • Whatever you think it should be. If you think going to the movies with a few other friends is a date, it is a date. The big issue in middle school is you cannot always tell for sure what is a date and what is not. It is normal for a guy and girl to go to the movies as friends, so that can get really confusing. Just do what you feel comfortable with, and take some time to distinguish between friend, and girlfriend/boyfriend.
  • Well I'm in 8th grade and I have a boyfriend. We hold hands, snuggle, hug, kiss, and make out. But I don't plan on going any further for a while. Most of the serious couples at my school go a little further than just making out, but sex in either grade is NOT common. I know 2 people who have been as far as sex and they are NOT happy with there choice. I think 8th graders should just hold hands and peck kiss etc. The only reason I make out with my boyfriend is because I like him A LOT and we have been through so much that I only found it necessary to. But I bet you will enjoy making out and kissing a guy/girl if you have yet to have done it.
  • I'm a junior in high school now, boys can be pretty horny in middle school, they aren't experienced but they are eager to try everything out so girls be cautious! Wait until high school, or maybe date guys who've already graduated like I did. They are more mature, and don't have a hard time "waiting" since they already have experience.
  • Whatever you decide to do, just remember it is likely not to last very long. At 12 or 13-years-old and even older most boy/girl friendships break-up quick and easily over jealousy, arguments, boredom, mismatched relationships, falling for somebody else, etc etc. Just enjoy it while it lasts but don't get too emotionally involved or you will get hurt.
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Usually not much from what I know of. Some people I knew would be "boyfriend and girlfriend" and never go on a date just see each other at school and talk a lot. In other cases someone's parents would drive them and sit with them in the movie or where ever but that's about as far as it would go. It really just depends what your parents are like

.•.I agree with the answer before me. Parents probably aren't cool with kids going out alone, so someone would have to be there. You could also do what I said for 6th grade. Go on a big group hang out. That way, a parent doesn't nessisarily have to be there because you're in a big group. .•. -NeedAdviceNow TEEN

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