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China has a communist government

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Q: What does government mean in China?
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What is largest communist country?

China is state capitalist, not Communist (which would mean no money or classes or government).

Are pandas China's national animal?

yes the government of china use the panda as there sing to show they car not mean

What government is used in china?

China has a Communist government.

Does china have an limited government or unlimited?

China has a limited government

What form of Government is followed in China?

China has a communist government.

What does China's government do for China?

The Chinese government has opened up China to Western Business and Industry. It maintains China.

What is the form of government in China?

China's form of government is called Communist Party of China

Government in china?

Government in China is socialist single party state.

In china do they have a government or president?

Yes, China has both a government and a president.

Who the government of China?

The government of the of China is referred to as The People's Republic of China. China's government is divided into the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the military branch.

What makes Canada's government different from China's government?

Canada's government is a democracy and China's isn't.

What kind of government does China currently have?

China was founded in 1949 and is the most highly populated country in the world. The government of China is a communist government.