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If you are exercising, and weight training regularly, you may be burning fat while developing your muscles more. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you notice that you are looking more toned and slim, but not losing, or even gaining weight, then it is most likely the newly acquired muscle. Go by how you look, not what the scale says.

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Q: What does it mean if I feel and look like you are losing weight but the scale doesn't show it?
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How do you know when your losing weight?

Apart from reading the scale, there will be plenty of signs that if you are losing weight. Your clothes may feel looser, your appetite may have changed, and your friends may compliment you on your weight loss. Sometimes looking at the scale can be misleading. If you're working out, you're gaining muscle. You be be losing fat, but because muscle weighs more, you might not notice a change on the scale (or you may see that you've gained weight instead of losing it). One way to calculate whether or not you are losing the weight is to measure your abdomen, arms, waist, and legs with a tape measure. Record the numbers every week or so and see if there is any change.

How do you know how much weight to lose?

There is a few ways, the obvious is to weigh yourself regularly, at least once a week, this way you will notice any reduction, you may also feel better as you loose weight because your body is not working so hard to move the excess weight, you're clothes may feel loose and you're friends family may comment on how you look slimmer.There are several ways that you can tell if you are losing weight. The most obvious is if the number on your scale is going down. However, if you do not have a scale or are not sure of its accuracy, here are three other indications that you are losing weight.1) Your clothes are getting looser.2) Your body measurements are decreasing.3) Pictures of yourself now when compared to a time in the past show that you look smaller.A scale is the best way to determine if you are losing weight. If you are not trying to lose weight and find yourself losing weight anyway, it is time to see your doctor.

What does it mean when someone says your losing eight but you feel your gaining weight?

It means the two of you disagree.

How can i use matcha green tea powder to lose weight>?

Drinking Matcha green tea powder will raise your self confidence from proforming the Japanese tea cerimony, and you will feel like losing weight. And we all love losing weight!

What do you think about Weight Watchers using the scale?

The weighing in sessions are private, but I still feel embarrassed.

Why is a 16 year old girl who is 5'5 and 135 pounds and is burning about 700 calories a day with exercise and is watching her food portions and eats very healthily unable to lose weight?

You might feel like your not losing weight, but you are, and I am so pleased your losing weight.

Can losing weight affect your stomach looks?

It sure can. Drinking lots of water to keep it full can help some though.

Should you break up with your boyfriend if something does not feel right but you don't know what it is?

if something doesnt feel right in your realtionship. maybe you should talk about it first with him/her. you never no who you could be losing. but if after you talk abeout it and it still doesnt feel right it could just be your imagination running, or it could be that you are right that, something may be wrong.

Can your butt get bigger by losing weight?

generally no, but if you do certain exercises then it is possible. try exercises that you can really feel, this means that you are building up muscles there, and then you can lose weight too.

You feel sad all the time and im losing weight what do you do?

your obviously not eating enough of the right thing so you will feel sad you dont have to starve yourself to loose weight just eat a little more fruit and meat and stuff and you'll feel fine

You start losing weight and in the middle of the day you feel hungry - what should you do?

drink some water or eat an apple or some broccoli.

How does it feel to lose weight quickly?

The feeling of losing weight quickly is probably satisfying to almost everyone because humans always try to look for that quick fix. However, losing weight quickly does have its consequences. If a person has lost a lot of weight quickly, chances are they did not do it in a healthy way. This puts them at a risk of gaining a lot of weight back and very fast.