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they have worms

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Q: What does it mean when a black and white worm comes out of your cats bum?
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Related questions

What does it mean when the white bit off a cats eyes go black?

there pupils are getting bigger

Why are cats black?

actually cats that are black have witches in them there black because well idk that's how God made them goshNot all cats are black i mean ive got a ginger cat called tom...HOPE I HELPED YOU BYEXXXXXXXXX

Are black cats always mean?

No. Black cats are not always mean. Black cats are actually said to be mean because on Halloween they look scary because they are black and they hunch over looking like they are about to attack, when the truth is that they are like all cats. They are not always mean. They are mostly nice.

What does it mean when you see a black and a white cat is this a sign?

I've heard of a black cat crossing your path to be a sign of bad luck, but I've not heard anything about black and white cats. In any case, it's just superstition, it doesn't mean a thing.

Are black and white cats crazier than other cats?

Well it depends which way you are asking. If you mean different because of the superstition that black cats are bad luck then no because that is not true. If you are asking if black cats are different from other colored cats, yes and no. They are both cats and will be relatively the same, but cats have different personalities and will not be exactly alike.

What does it mean when cats are black?

If u r superstitious black cats r bad luck

What breed of cats are white orange and black?

can be any! That s if you mean BLACK and white cat if you mean black I've never heard of it. black and white can be any breed, if your interested in buying you'll ahev to ask at your breeders what type of catit is...

What does a black and white triangle mean?

A triangle that is black and white...

Who is Victoria in cats?

If you mean the musical, it is the white cat.

How do you get Zoroa on black and white?

whats that zoroa on black and white what do you mean

How could two black cats produce a kitten that has white fur?

It may be that in the litter that one of the cats came from the mother or father was a white cat ( that would be a recessive gene) and it reoccured in this generation. Just because it's a recessive gene doesn't mean it can't come back.

What do the colours white red and black mean in Snow White?

white- purity black- evilred- blood