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The target heart rate zone is when the pulse reaches the goal of beats per minute from exercise. It is not recommended to go below 50 beats per minute during exercise.

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11y ago

this page some times never answer the questions, but target heart zone is a systematic method of improving your cardiovascular fitness.

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12y ago

The level that you practice where you are challenged, but not overworked and injured.

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Q: What does target heart rate zone mean?
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Target Heart rate can be hard to find, but why is it important to find.?

To find target heart rates and the beneifits recieved from it try the following or

What is a target Zone?

Target zone depends on what you are talking about. For exercise you want your heart rate to be about 120- 170 and that is the target zone. Certain exercises have target zones that focus on abs or glutes or so on and improve that area.

What methods are used to assess cardiovascular fitness?

By checking your pulse and seeing if you heart rate is in the target heart rate zone.

What are two different methods of determining your heart rate target zone?

hrr method and %maxhr

What if your pulse rate falls below 50 percent of your target heart rate zone what should you do?

Increase the level of intensity

How do you figure out your fat burning zone?

Your fat burning zone is also called your target heart rate. To find this, there is a certain formula you must follow. This website will help you find your target heart rate.

To get the range of your target heart rate you should multiply maximum heart rate by what percent?

You can easily find your Target Heart Rate (thr) with this simple method. Subtract your age from 220 (226 for women) to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate (mhr). Find your training zone below and multiply that number times your maximum rate. im not sure if this is right but here you go.

How long should you work out in the mid range of your Target Heart Rate Zone?

3 days a week for 20 minutes.

What is target pulse rate?

this page some times never answer the questions, but target heart zone is a systematic method of improving your cardiovascular fitness.

How can you determine your heart rate during exercise?

The idea is to calculate your 'fat burning zone' and exercising within your target heart rate (THR). Generally this zone is 60-75% of your max heart rate(MHR). To calculate your THR, simply subtract your age from 220, then multiply by the % in which you wish to work. So for a 40 year old person, the target zone will look something like this: 220 - 40 (age)= 180 (Max Heart Rate) At this point you will multiply the MHR by 60% and 75% to find your THR zone. 180 * .60 (60%) = 108 180 * .75 (75%) = 135 So the target heart rate for a 40 year old individual would be 108-135 beats per minute.

What is Target fitness zone definition please?

It's usually computed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate, which in turn is a function of your age. Subtract your age from 220 to find your maximum heart rate. Warmup: 50-60% of max heart rate Fat Burning: 60-70% Aerobic: 70-80% Anaerobic: 80-90% Search "target heart rate" for more complete information.

Why is maximum heart rate important?

Why is it important to monitor your heart rate during exercise?An optimal exercise prescription is a balance between the frequency, intensity, duration, and mode of exercise. Heart rate is a useful indicator of the intensity of effort and body's physiological adaptation. Heart rate monitoring is an important component especially in cardiovascular fitness assessment and training programmes. Polar heart rate monitors have been developed to measure healthy people's heart rate and they target to help people exercise safely and effectively.The intensity of physical exercise should always be based on a persons' fitness level and the goals of the exercise e.g. maintain or improve health/fitness/performance and help in weight management.