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It means someone put "Love For All" into one of those on-line translators. They turn out garbage, and that's what this. In this case, what came out actually translates to "I esteem for entire" (where, to make things worse, the word meaning 'entire' is in the wrong case to be the object of the preposition meaning 'for').

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Q: What does the Latin phrase 'diligo pro totus' mean?
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The words are Latin, but the grammar is not. It seems that the intent was to translate the sentence "All is forgotten and all is forgiven" into Latin, but what we have here is rather "The whole is by forgetfulness and the whole is by forgiveness." A better translation would be Omnia oblivioni data sunt et omnia ignota sunt.

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It probably means that someone has used an on line translator to try to translate English to Latin. They don't work. 'Questio pro diligo' is gibberish.

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This is not a meaningful phrase in Latin, it's the output of an automatic translation site that looks up English words one by one and then strings the resulting Latin words together without regard for either meaning or grammar. What it came out with in this case means "Entire as together, entire as I gain".

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What does this mean Memento mori nos totus intereo unus?

It's a combination of a common Latin phrase and the meaningless output of an automatic online translator.Memento mori is literally "remember dying", but is often translated "remember that you will die".Nos totus intereo unus, on the other hand, is an attempted translation of "we all die one", but it really means "we an entire one I perish ".

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What does 'ut totus' mean in English?

The words are Latin, but the grammar is not. It seems that the intent was to translate the sentence "All is forgiven" into Latin, but what we have here is rather "The whole is by forgiveness." A better translation would be Omnia ignota sunt.

What does Ego Mos Diligo Iterum mean?

It means that someone has been using an online translator that produces garbage. In this case, what was put in was "I will love again", but what came out means "I, the custom, I esteem once more".The original English phrase may be translated into grammatical Latin as rursum amabo.

What does the foreign phrase ld est mean?

The phrase is in Latin, and it translates to "It is."