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Q: What dog breed has the best hearing?
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What dog breeds have the best hearing?

this could start a debate, however, the Border Collie is supposed to have the best hearing and the most intellect, but every dog lover will tell you it is THEIR dog breed that is the cutest, smartest and has the best hearing and smell! Also the best looking!!!

What is the animal with the best hearing?

the animal with the best hearing is a dog

What is the best type of dog for a hearing dog?

Boxers!They have really good hearing.

Best breed of dog for in house.?

the best breed is a Labrador

What is the best dog race?

Dog race- would be the Iditerod- in Alaska. Best dog breed? - that breed hails from the state of Missouri. Dog breed is Miniture Shar Pei- Dog name - Wheezer.

What breed has the best hearing?

There will be horses who have great hearing but it doesn't depend on the breed. Just like people; people of the same race can have better hearing than their cousin.

What breed is mainly a HearingDOG?

Most hearing dogs are mixed breeds, particularly those with some Border Collie in them. But any breed can potentially produce a dog who is good at hearing work.

Which is the best small dog breed?

There is no one "best" breed, they all have their merits and downfalls.

Does a dog substitute hearing for some other sense?

Dogs have all five senses, and their hearing and often their sight are better than that of humans, depending on the breed of the dog. They do not substitute hearing for any other sense, they just have very good hearing usually.

What breed of dog with the anatomy of ear would worst hearing?

There isn't a breed with "bad hearing", but some some breeds are prone to have hearing problems or deafness. These breeds are: Dalmatians, Bull terriers, and English setters. Because deafness can be in these breeds genes, it's particularly important to buy from a breeder that does genetic testing on their dogs, and not from pet stores. Any breed of dog with untreated ear infections can also lose their hearing, so it's important to have a dog treated promptly when you notice a problem.

Which breed of dog is best?

No breed is "best", it depends on the individual. The best breed of dog would be one that fits in with a person's lifestyle and home, which of course differ from person to person.One OpinionFrom experience I would say the best bread of dog to get would be a labradoodle as they are such a loving dog and a good friend.

What breed of dog is best for the Iditarod?
