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For the Japanese the attack was a military success, although not one as complete as it could have been. The Japanese did not catch the American fleet carriers at Pearl, nor did they destroy the repair facilities or oil storage tanks. The American fleet was thus able to recover rather quickly and was never short of fuel. Many of the damaged warships were returned to service by wars end. Being a military success, the Japanese were thus able to run wild through the western Pacific for six months. Without the American fleet as a hindrance, the Japanese faced no serious opponent. On the American side, there was little panic, just determined resolve.......for revenge. The Japanese hoped their startling victories would enable them to achieve a political solution favorable to their imperial ambitions. Pearl Harbor gave them the military result desired, but did just the opposite politically. After Pearl there would be no negotiations between the USA and Japan, just a fight to the end - atomic bombs and unconditional surrender.

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The United States took a definitive stance in World War II by declaring war on Japan. Previously, the United States had been neutral with Allied proclivities, but now it was a new Allied Power. Within the following days, the Nazi Germans and the Italians declared war on the United States to reciprocate the US declaration of war on Japan. However, since the United States' strongest ally was the United Kingdom, both FDR and Churchill found it more prudent to put the strongest effort in winning the war in Europe before turning their effort more strongly to the Pacific.

Naturally, because of the declaration of war, the United States ceased trade with the Axis powers and all Axis-Occupied Countries or Partners.

FDR also issued numerous federal directives turning much of American peacetime production to war production in order to create the military machine that could oppose the Nazis. (The US Military was less than a quarter the size of the Nazi war machine.)

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16y ago

Japan was afraid that America would be able to use pear harbor as a force to take them out if the even tried to attack America.

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The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

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No, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

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The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941.

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Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a Japanese admiral, planned the attack on pearl harbor and was in the atack.

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pearl harbor is about the Japanese attack on the u.s navy base pearl harbor in Hawaii in 1941

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The Japanese

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The Japanese

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by air

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The Japanese did