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Great Britain, the King and Parliament, were creating taxes to pay for the French and Indian War, or Seven Years' War. This war was fought on the soil of the colonist and for the protection of the colonists, therefore, Britain reasoned, the colonists should have to pay for the cost of the war. The Parliament and the King created these taxes without consent from the colonies; the colonies had no representation. Taxes like that would never have happened on the Great Britain mainland because they all had representatives in Parliament.

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Q: What effect did the acts intolerable stamp tea etc have on the colionies?
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Was the stamp act apart of the intolerable acts?

no, it was before the series of Intolerable acts.

What was not included in the so- called intolerable acts?

The Stamp Act, passed in 1765, was not one of the Intolerable Acts.

Is the stamp act one of The Intolerable Acts?

yes it is.

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The main effect of the Intolerable Acts was that it had divided the colonies against each other.

What acts were included in the Intolerable Acts?

The 4 intolerable acts were the Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend act, and the Tea Act.

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the intolerable acts and the stamp act. the intolerable acts were when the British started raising taxes to a hefty price. the stamp act was when the colonists had to pay tax on every single piece of paper consumed. a stamp on a piece of paper indicated that the piece was paid for.

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they were mad

Who made the sugar act?

The British Parliment passed the Sugar Act, the Intolerable Acts (Cohersive Acts), and the Stamp Act.

What event occurred first the Boston massacre George third was crown Declaration of Independence was written or The Intolerable Acts were passed?

George 3 is crowned The Boston Massacre The Intolerable Acts The Declaration Of Independece

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because it needs to oppose the stamp act

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The Stamp Act, which was later replaced by the Sugar Act in 1754, followed by the Townshend Acts and Intolerable (Coercive Acts)