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* Mass open air shootings. (These account for most of the Jews slaughtered in the Soviet Union - about 1.5 million). * Forcing them to perform hard manual work, such as quarrying and coalmining on insufficient food. * Herding Jews into ghettos, which were deliberately overcrowded, and then allowing insufficient food and no medication. Many died of starvation and disease. (Ghettos were common in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and parts of Belarus and Ukraine. A figure of 800,000 is often given for the total number who died of malnutrition and "general privation"). . shooting just born children . saving gas and just thorwing people into ovens or fire pits they would also create lamp shades from peoples head and bodies to keep the Nazis warm.

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concertration camps were enclosed places where jews and other victims of the Holocaust were forced to work,killed and tortured.

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Q: What else did Hitler do to Jews except gassing them?
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What was adolph hitlers treatment for the jews?

Hitler treated the Jews as outcasts. The Jews were persecuted and then subjected to restrictions that anyone else were not given.

Did anyone else sufferer except the Jews in the holocaust?

Yes, of course. The Nazi's imprisone Gypsies, criminals, homsexuals, and anyone who protested against Hitler.They also imprisoned the people who helped the Jews hide, and some Nazi's themselfs for trying to kill Hitler.

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Adolf Hitler killed no Germans, Jews, or anyone else. He had his ugly, twisted henchmen do it for him.

How was the Holocaust successful?

It killed an estimated six million Jews. Jewish culture and tradition was, let us face it almost wiped out in Germany. In this horrible sense it was a success. apart from diplomats from Israel, the Jews never came back to Germany.

Did Hitler kill out of fear or something else?

Hitler killed Jews for several reasons:He thought Jews were Communists.He blamed Jews because Germany was defeated in World War 1.He blamed the Jews for the Great Depression.He thought the Jews were conspiring to rule the world.He viewed the Jews as racially inferior and thought they were contaminating non-Jewish Germans.He wanted a Germany and a Europe without Jews.

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Hitler he saw it as a symbol of Judaism and the Jewish People. As a result, since he reviled the Jews, he reviled the star.

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the German people wanted out of the depression, Hitler promised to bring them out of the depression... when everyone voted for him he changed the idea, he blamed the econimic losses on someone else, that someone else happend to be the Jews

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He rounded them up because he did not want them living in his state. He killed them because he did not know what else to do with them.

Who else help Hitler to execute all Jews?

Himmler, Heydrich and Eichmann are very notorious names. They have many deads on their mind.

Was it true Hitler's mom dated a Jewish guy whom Hitler hated and was also one of the reasons he persecuted the Jews?

One reason he hated Jewish people is because when his mother was in the hospital, the doctor was Jewish and she died. Another reason was after WW1 Jews owned many banks and successful companies, while every1 else were unsuccessful. ---- Hitler's Grama was a Jew and he hated Jews so maybe his grama was the problem

What nations did Hitler decide to conquer after invading Poland?

France, Russia, Lithuania, England, and everyone else in the world except Japan and Italy.