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Butterflies, which consist of lying on your back with your arms straight out beside you and moving them from the floor to above your nose without bending your elbows, add barbells when you are strong enough.

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15y ago

Maybe things like running, curl ups, push ups, jumping jacks, wall sits, and sit ups.

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Q: What exercises are good for getting rid of underarm fat?
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Will getting breast reduction get rid of underarm fat?

no, sorry. I recently had a breast reduction, and my underarm flab is definitely still there. From what I understand, that can only be gotten rid of by doing excercises to tone your arms.

What are some simple exercises and good tasting foods to help lose fat?

Some simple exercises to help lose fat are cardiovascular exercises. These exercises could be jogging, jump roping and running. Foods that could help lose fat would be fruits.

Will getting a breast reduction get rid of underarm fat?

No, it doesn't help that area, sorry. If your doctor will let you, you can get some of back fat taken off if you are lucky, but it doesn't effect your underarm fat at all. If anything, it makes it worse, because you can't use your arms very much for a while, so then they can't get a workout so they get somewhat weak...

What are some good exercises for burning fat off?

Some of the best known exercises are starjumps, abdominal crunches, and knee lifts which can alter your weight and burn off fat.

What are some good floor exercises to burn fat?

Cardio exercises are the best exercises for burning calories. These are exercises which get your heart pumping faster, such as jogging, running, swimming, dancing and active sports.

Does Exercise improve your lifespan?

yes , it increases but doing good exercises can effect us . it can make us slim or fat depending on our exercises

Are there any yoga exercises to lose the belly fat ?

Yoga is a good exercise program for strengthening and toning the body and as such would help to lose belly fat. Any good gym will be able to help you choose good exercises for losing belly fat. Keep in mind that you also will need to control your diet for optimum results.

What do you do if you have fat thighs?

Cardio is always a good starting point. Running or swimming are always good options. Lunges, squats, and deadlifts are good solid exercises that will turn fat into muscle.

What exercises are fat burners for bodybuilders?

Running at least 5 miles every week would be very good exercise but don't only do cardio, you have to do other strength training exercises otherwise you will lose muscle and fat.

What exercises claim to be particularly good at burning fat?

The exercises that are reported to burn the most fat are those which alternate high speed with low speed behaviors such as sprints or running alternated by weight lifting routines. The most important thing, however, is diversity. Aerobic and Anaerobic exercises should both be used for best fat burning results.

What is a good exercise to lose body fat without treatment or going to the gym?

Running and biking are great exercises.

Are there any exercise I can do to lose the fat in my leg?

It's difficult to lose fat in targeted areas. One way to increase fat loss in your legs is to perform weight-bearing exercises. This will decrease the fat in your legs while increasing muscle. Leg lifts, squats, pushes and pulls are all good leg exercises to increase muscle and burn fat.