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hmmm... is there anything even wrong with that? oh well, beaty is in the eye of the beholder. do lots of cardio like jogging, step climbing, and bicycling if its fat. if its muscle, well, then DON'T exercise that part of your body at all, and gradually your muscles will get smaller from lack of exercise. its also a good idea to do leg stuff at the gym if its fat. if you don't go to a gym, lie down on your stomach on an elevated board or something so that your legs are suspended in mid air, put something like dumbells or some kind of weights near your feet on the back of your legs, and curl them up a couple of times. that's all i kno.


The best way to get a tight, firm butt and strong thighs is through weight training. Cardio exercise does not tone and sculpt your muscles the way weight training does.

In my exercise routine, I use 5 different weight machines for my lower body. I start with the Leg Press machine, which targets your quads (your front thigh muscles) and glutes (your butt). Next I use the Glute machine, where you face forward and push your leg into the air behind you. This targets your butt and hamstrings (your back thigh muscles). Then the hamstring curl machine, because I find that the Glute machine does not do an adequate job on my hamstrings. Then the inner thigh machine, and the outer thigh machine (which also targets your glutes).

These 5 machines will give you a firm, perky butt and curvy, shapely hips and thighs.

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Q: What exercises can a 13-year-old do if she has large thighs and a large butt?
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Do exercises that slim and tone your thighs while lifting your rear. Examples - kickbacks, squats, hydrants... If your weight does not go to your butt when you gain, you just won't get a big butt. However, if your thighs are smaller you can appear to have more back there.

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for me eating almonds and high protein foods and doing exercises like squats and lounges works

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It doesn't. It tones your thighs, calves and butt and builds muscle and strength.

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Yes. She got body fat injected into her butt, and thighs as well.

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Anything that makes you run!