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Q: What fluid do hepatocytes secrete?
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What do hepatocytes secrete?

They secrete bile. They secrete bile.

What are the functions of hepatocytes?

Hepatocytes are the cells responsible for most of the main functions of the liver. They synthesize clotting factors, secrete bile salts and bile pigments, store lipids, vitamins and glycogen, biotransform toxic substances, waste products, drugs and hormones. Hepatocytes are amazingly diverse cells that carry out a huge range of functions, just some of which are mentioned above.

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The uvula is an extension of the soft palate of the oral cavity and does not contain any glands that secrete fluid.

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Endocrine glands secrete hormones and neuropeptides into interstitial fluid and the blood stream.

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What glands secrete a fluid that provides energy for the sperm?

seminal vesicle

How do you spell secreate?

The plural noun, the plural of secret, is spelled secrets.The present tense of the verb to secrete is secretes (gives off fluid).

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This fluid is called semen.

Is bile secreted by hepatocytes?

Yes, the secretion of bile is one of the functions of hepatocytes. The bile released from hepatocytes drains into canaliculi, which become bile ductules and then the common bile duct.

Can hepatocytes store glucose as glycogen?

Yes, one of the functions of hepatocytes is to store glycogen. This can be converted to glucose if the need arises.