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There is no set magical number of units of anti-oxidants to get rid of the unspecified 'gum infection', and thusly there can be no direct answer to the question.

In terms of anti-oxidants, most foods have an ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value per serving, but not all values are based on the same serving size, so these numbers can be misleading to the casual observer. Spices, herbs, essential oils and cocoa are known to have the highest ORAC value, but the serving sizes are to small to be the leading providors of anti-oxidants. Dried fruits are a good source of anti-oxidants by weight/serving size as the water has been removed making the ratio of anti-oxidants higher. Fleshy fruits, nuts, and some vegetables are also known to be a rich source of anti-oxidants.

Here are some foods known to have the highest levels of antioxidant phytochemicals per serving: aronia black chokeberry (100g), small red bean (1/2 cup dry), wild blueberry (1 cup), red kidney bean (1/2 cup dry), pinto bean (1/2 cup), blueberry (1 cup), cranberry (1 cup), artichoke heart (1 cup), blackberry (1 cup), prune (1/2 cup), raspberry (1 cup), strawberry (1 cup), red delicious apple (1), granny smith apple (1), pecan (1 oz), sweet cherry (1 cup), black plum (1), russet potato (1), black bean (1/2 cup dry), plum (1), gala apple (1).

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Q: What food contains enough antioxidants to rid a gum infection?
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