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All foods with excess amounts of sugar and salt. Avoid adding salt to any foods and avoid any junk food. Instead, eat as many fresh foods as possible and fiber, which is found in fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water.

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Q: What foods cause cellulite?
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Does marijuana cause cellulite?

The use of marijuana does not directly effect weight gain, or cellulite. There is a causality postulated by some that marijuana usage results in slothfulness and therefore weight gain, which can cause cellulite. Cellulite is caused by problems with the connective tissues and the expansion of fat cells inside the body and marijuana does not directly, or indirectly effect these connective tissues.

What is the cause of Cellulite skin disease?

There are many causes of cellulite skin diseases. The most common one and obvious is the consumption of fats and cholesterol, which causes cellulite to appear.

Can quitting smoking cause cellulite?

I don't believe quitting can cause cellulite.. Why? When you smoke you can gain weight. Gaining weight and not being active and sitting on your a$$ causes cellulite. So quitting.. No chance. ha.

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Does sleeping late at night cause cellulite?

no but it causes sleeping disorders

What is cellulite?

The cellulite is fat accumulation on the body. An appareil cellulite can be used to make your body free from cellulite. The appareil cellulite is a very easy way to remove cellulite.

Does aspartame cause cellulite?

im not shure but i think it does! i saw more cellulite on my body after using stevia every day in my cofee ,thats why i googled it and found this question...

Why do people get leg dimples?

A build-up of cellulite can cause a "dimple" effect in a leg.

Do men have Cellulite?

Men can get cellulite too. Try Revitashape cellulite cream.

What are some possible risks to getting laser cellulite treatments?

Some risks to getting laser cellulite treatments are infection as well as other side effects. The procedure is quite expensive. It never has been proven to be effective. It has been shown to cause more cellulite in some cases. There is also the possibility of the cellulite returning even if the procedure initially works.

How useful is a cellulite remover in removing pimples?

A cellulite remover does what it says: remove cellulite. Pimples are no cellulite, so it does not work if one uses an cellulite remover. If one wants to remove pimples there are other solutions available.

How do you say cellulite in French?

It is the same word - cellulite