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the boson tea party where they dumped all the tea out oh and tar and feathering tax collectors

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kate sidwell

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party hardy Boston tea party hardy

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Q: What happened after the British troops captured New York?
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What happened after the battle of long island?

The result of the Battle of Long Island was that the British drove Washington's troops out of Brooklyn.

What city was captured by the British in 1776 and not retaken by the Colonial army?

New York City was the only major city held by the British throughout the Revolutionary War. The British held Boston at the beginning of the war, but withdrew in March of 1776; they captured New York in September. The British captured Newport, Rhode Island, in 1776 but left in 1779, to concentrate their forces in New York. The French took over Newport and used it as their base of operations for the rest of the war. That prompted the British to withdraw from Philadelphia, which they had captured in 1777, to further reinforce their stronghold in New York.

Commander of British Troops During the British Occupation of New York City?

a man

Why did the British troops return to New York in the winter of 1776?

The british gentelmen did not fight in winter

Who was the leader of the British army that captured new york city?

george washington

What city did the British army captured in 1776?

Boston Massachusettes

What were the important results of the British winning the battle of New York?

Fort Washington was destroyed, the British captured 3000 Americans.

How many wounded at Battle of New York 1777?

The US had 850 killed, 2,000 wounded and 4,500 captured. The British had 4,400 killed, wounded or captured. It was a major British victory.

What colony was invaded by British troops under the command of Burgoyne in June?

new york.

What did patriots do when they learned that british troops intened to invade new york?

they prepared to fight

Where was the British arsenal captured in upstate New York on May 10 1775?

Think pencils. The British arsenal captured was Ticonderoga. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys captured Fort Ticonderoga. Benedict Arnold was involved in the fight as well.

What did the patriots do when they learned British troops intended to invade New York?

The Patriots attacked first, capturing Montreal from the British.