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Henry married another woman called Anne Boleyn, who he then executed because she had completed high treason, adultery, and incest (all Federal Laws). Then he FINALLY got a son from Jane Seymour but due to complications during his son's birth (Edward II) she died after his birth. But Edward was also effected by the complications, and died as a teenager, being crowned at the age of just 9. so his half sister, Mary II took over, and turned the country catholic again, then when she died, her sister Elisabeth took over and turned the country BACK to being protestants.

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Well, nothing really happened. I mean because Henry VIII had taken over the church of England, nothing...


Nothing happened between Henry and the Catholic Church! All Henry did was to point out that the Council of Nicaea had passed a canon that prohibited the interference by one bishop in another bishops see! This is a teaching that goes back to the early days of the Church, it was legalised and reissued at Nice and is still operative. The Council of Niceae is the greatest and oldest of the Ecumenical Councils and is a major part of the magisterium of the Catholic Church. The Anglican Church was no more than the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ in England!

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Q: What happened between Henry VIII and the Catholic Church after Henry's first divorce?
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