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The cold war between USA and USSR ended, and USSR disintegrated.

American think tank then did research and determined that the next threat to world peace, freedom, and the democracies is Islam. This is already clear in Koran, the book of Islam.


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In June 1987, President Ronald Reagan shouted the famous words, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" In 1989, East German leader Egon Krenz opened Berlin Wall in November 9, 1989, in hopes of restoring stability to East Germany, because citizens were rebelling in October 1989 when former East German leader Erich Honecker closed East Germany's borders when thousands of East Germans were moving to Hungary to Austria as a path to travel to West Germany.

Consequently, the East German Communist Party collapsed by the end of 1989 as East and West Germans embraced each other. They then considered reunification (the rejoining of the two Germanys), but others feared a united Germany because of its history during World Wars I and II.

West German chancellor Helmut Kohl promised to aim for democracy and human rights and that Germans have learned from the past, persuading other European nations to allow Germany to officially reunite on October 3, 1990.

After over 40 years of communism in East Germany, eastern Germany possessed industry obsolete in the international market. Germany's highways, railroads, and telecommunication system hadn't been updated since WWII. In order to rebuild Germany's economy, Chancellor Kohl raised taxes as workers in eastern Germany suffered unemployment. Unsuccessful factories shut down, laying off millions of workers.

In 1998, Germans elected Socialist Democrat Gerhard Schroeder over Helmut Kohl as chancellor. Though Germany had the slowest-growing economy in Europe, one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe, and kept rising in inflation, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder won re-election in 2002.

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