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Q: What happened to the Islamic empire after the Abbasid Dynasty begins to disintegrate in the 9th century?
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What were two dynasties of the Islamic empire?

The Abbasid dynasty at Baghdad and the Umayyid dynasty at Cordova (Spain), founded by Abdul Rahman-I.

The Arab-Islamic Abbasid Dynasty set up the first Shiite rule of Iraq?


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Abbasids is the Muslim group overthrew the Umayyad dynasty and set up a new caliphate.

True or False The Arab-Islamic Abbasid Dynasty set up the first Shiite rule of Iraq?

False. The Abbasids were not Shi'a, they were Sunni.

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Umayyad dynasty ruled from 661 to 750. The Abbasid dynasty rose to power in 750 through 813. Then the Empire became fragmented, but the Abbasid dynasty survived as a weaker and weaker state until 1258 C.E.

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The Ayyubids, led by Saladin overthrew Abbassid control in much of the Middle East and became the leader of the Islamic opposition to the Crusaders.

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The person who developed algebra was famous Muslim mathematician Al-Khawarizmi. He is know as the "father" of algebra, and lived during the Golden Age of Islamic civilization during the Abbasid Dynasty.

What impact did the abbasid empire have on its neighbors?

The Abbasids, as the ones from the Islamic Empire.

Which of the following was not one of the the early modern Islamic empires?

the Abbasid. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal were the only early modern Islamic empires

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How did decentralizatio led to both the fall of baghdad ad at the same time preservatio of Islamic world

Would you vote for democracy or Islamic Khilafah?

Islamic Khilafah. but real Islamic Khilafah never happened in history and people do not know it.what happened in Arabic emperores was not real Islamic Khilafah.