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oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide

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Alani Pereyra

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1y ago
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Q: What happens to the oxygen when it reaches the alveoli?
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How does oxygen from the alveoli reaches the heart?

From the Alveoli, it transfers to red blood cells, which travels through the circulation and reaches the heart.

Describe what happens in the alveoli sacs?

When we inhale in and out oxygen moves from the alveoli to blood carbon dioxide moves from blood to alveoli.

What happens when blood passes by alveoli?

blood take oxygen from blood.

Do the lungs bring oxygen into blood?

When air reaches lungs which has thousands small sacks called alveoli the oxygen is difussed to blood capillaries that line alveolar wall.

What happens to the oxygen when it reaches the cells?

it is used in metabolic process

How does the oxygen change to carbon dioxide?

The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Inhaled oxygenenters the lungs and reaches the alveoli. Oxygen passes quickly through this air-blood barrier into the blood in the capillaries. Similarly, carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the alveoli and is then exhaled.

What happens when oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is released in alveoli?

it goes in your brain. and then eats cheese

What is the pathway of an oxygen molecule from the atmosphere to its combination with a hemoglobin molecule?

Oxygen reaches the hemoglobin in the blood cells by entering the lungs. The key area of the lungs where the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide is made is called the alveoli. The Alveoli has very thin cell walls which allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass freely in and out of the blood stream.

Where in the lung does exchange of O2 and CO2 take place?

It takes place between the alveoli and the blood capillaries

What gas enters the alveoli?

Oxygen is removed from the alveoli by the cappillaries.

What system allows for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the air and the blood?

It happens in the alveoli of the lungs

What happens when the blood reaches tissues or cells that do not have enough oxygen?

The oxyhaemoglobin will break down and oxygen will release. :)