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Q: What happens when schist is soaked in vinegar?
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What happens to a boiled egg after being soaked in alcohol?

Not much, but if you soak it in vinegar the shell will dissolve!

What reaction happens when an egg is soaked in vinegar?

The eggs won't react, it is the vinegar that acts on the egg. The acid in the vinegar will corrode the calcium in the egg shell, causing the egg to become soft, like rubber.

What is to preserve by soaking in vinegar or brine?

Foods soaked in vinegar are pickled, and soaked in salt are salt-cured. Both are means of preserving food. <><><> It is called "pickling"

Why do pennies get shiny after being soaked in vinegar?

Because the chemicals in a penny react with the vinegar

Are bones bendable?

They are not bendable unless soaked in vinegar.

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Why doesn't the membranenof an egg get dissolved when soaked in vinegar?

Because when it is soaked in vinegar,the shell is making direct contact with the vinegar;the shell is made from carbonate and will be dissolved by the acid in the vinegar, whereas, the membrane is protein so it takes a lot longer to be affected by the vinegar. The reaction is different so the membrane appears not to be affected.

What happens when an egg is soaked in Gatorade?

If you put the egg in vinegar then put it into Gatorade then the egg looks defalated, red, and very sticky.

Will a vinegar soaked turkey bone became hard if left out for a few days?

yes it will because of the acids in the vinegar

Will vinegar work to get out urine odor?

I have tried vinegar many times on urine soaked clothes, soaking in hot water and vinegar...smell is still there!!

What happens to the slate if these condition increase?

The slate or slate changes into schist