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Q: What has better density all-purpose flour or spelt?
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Is spelt flour soluble in water?

Spelt flour is soluble in water. However, it must be completely diluted as it does contain some gluten and it will thicken as a result.

Is spelled flour better for you than white flour?

Yes, but be careful when using it. Many people say that it's more dense than white flour and will alter a recipe. Others say that white spelt, specifically, is actually lighter.

Is spelled flour wheat-based?

Any grain can be ground into flour but the most common grain used is wheat.

What has more gluten spelled or all purpose flour?

flour has more gluten; spelt is gluten free.

Can you make a gingerbread house with wholemeal flour?

You can make them with what ever kind of flour you like - wholemeal wheat flour, rice flour, spelt flour, corn flour, oat flour, potato flour, the list is endless, its up to you.

Had a blackout - can you refreeze cooked date scones?

You could use all spelt flour. I have used and . Both are whole grain. I have found scones to be very foriivgng to the baker and they taste great with only spelt flour.

What have you made with spelt flour apart from bread?

This process that happens results in yeast

Why use flour in cupcakes?

Muffins can be made with white flour, unbleached white flour, whole wheat pastry flour, spelt flour, or a combination of several types of flour. Muffins can be made with self-rising flour if the amount of baking powder, soda, and salt in the recipe is adjusted.

What do you call the amount of volume that decreases under pressure?

density hope i helped and spelt it right :]

How is spelled measured?

Just like any dry goods, spelt is an ancient grain, in our century it's most similar to wheat. Measured similarly to wheat - large quantities by the tonnes, smaller quantities just like bags of flour, and for cooking by the cups aka 2 cups spelt flour.

What is the difference between spelled and regular wheat?

Spelt is similar to wheat. It has a tougher husk. It is said to taste nuttier and sweeter than wheat. It also has more protein. Spelt contains gluten, so people with gluten sensitivities should avoid it as they do wheat. _______________________________________________________ My understanding of the difference between spelt and what people know as common wheat (wheat that is made into mass produced flours, breads, etc.) is spelt has a slightly nutty taste and it is the original form of wheat before other lower cost & prolific hybrids were cultivated. Using the name spelt on baked goods etc. has become almost like a designer name where baked goods made from spelt are "better". I put the word better in quotes not because it isn't great but I have noticed people just throw out that term better yet they don't know or understand why it is better. The very popular Ezekiel brand bread is made from spelt. Some people find spelt to be better is that its water solubility is different than common wheat which makes it easily digestable. I am from the east coast so if it is better for me nutritionaly then that is a bonus but, I just love the taste and texture of spelt both as a side dish, salad or in baked goods. In addition spelt (flour) also has considerably greater nutritional value, vit B,E, protien, fatty acids, trace minerals, phytic acids etc. that are no longer found in mass produced flours.