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You're an idiot. That's menstruation, it's weird. Take a pregnancy test if you're that OCD.

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Q: What if a period was 5 days late then starts to spot pink scant blood then it is heavy then light again and lastly the person thought it was their period but it ended 3 days early is that pregnancy?
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Pregant symthoms and then gets period?

A person can still be pregnant and have a period. Some women have a period through out their pregnancy.

What are the signs of pregnancy in early days before a missed period?

Pregnancy symptoms vary from person to person. Some people experience no symptoms at all before a missed period. Some women experience symptoms such as fatigue, nausea or breast tenderness. Pay attention to your body, and take a pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period.

How soon pregnancy symptoms?

Pregnancy symptoms can start at any period of time for any person. It truly depends on the person. They can start as soon as conception occurs and can last until the baby is born.

What are some pregnancy symptoms and signs?

Pregnancy signs and symptoms are different from person to person. Of course, a missed menstrual period is a major sign. Some women notice breast tenderness and feelings of nausea as well.

What is the right time to determined pregnancy before a missed period?

Pregnancy can be determined by todays over the counter tests as early as 3-5 days after fetilization, which is roughly the same time as ovulation (egg release). Therefore, its a question of when the person ovulated, and not when the missed period is. Home pregnancy tests can be positive even before a missed period.

Could a person still be pregnant if they got their period?

Yes, sometimes it looks for all the world like your period but it's just bleeding. There are also instances of a real period coming along and ending the pregnancy.

Is it common to skip your period while on birth control?

Usually, skipping a period while on HORMONE birth control happens when someone is sexually active and/or missed a dose. Sometimes, though, hormonal birth control can cause an imbalance and cause a person to skip a period. Get a pregnancy test. If, on the other hand, you were talking about barrier methods, such as condoms or diaphrams, and you skip a period you should get a pregnancy test. Either way, take a pregnancy test.

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?

The early signs of pregnancy vary from person to person. "Morning sickness" can run the gamut from extreme and continuous to none at all. The same can be true for swelling of the extremities. Missing a period or two, and home pregnancy tests are good indicators, but the truth is only a visit to a doctor will tell you with certainty.

If a stomach ache occasionally is your only symptom and you have had periods how likely is it that you can be pregnant?

Every person experiences different symptoms of pregnancy...the best thing to do is take a pregnancy test after you have missed your period and if it is positive then you need to confirm it with your doctor.

You had a normal period last month this month you had spotting Should you take a pregnancy test?

If you are on birth control then that is normal because it is a side effect. Bleeding between periods can be pregnancy BUT its depends on the person. There are many other reasons why you can be spotting.

If you had unprotected sex with your boyfriend for 5 months and you missed your period can you be pregnant?

You might be, so I recommend doing a test. Short Answer: YesLonger Answer: Any time you have unprotected sex with a male you run the risk of becoming pregnant.Long Answer: Often a missed period is the first clue that you are pregnant but there are many reasons you can miss a period. Another common clue to a possible pregnancy is sore or tender breasts. If you think you may be pregnant, take an over-the-counter pregnancy test. Please be aware that a negative test result for pregnancy does not necessarily mean that you are not pregnant. For the test to show a positive result, the threshold for a specific pregnancy related hormone needs to have been exceeded. This hormone varies from person to person, pregnancy to pregnancy and the length of pregnancy to date among other things but is accurate when the hormone has exceeded the threshold of the test. If the test result is positive, make an appointment with your doctor to confirm pregnancy.

If a person fallopian tubes are tide and they misses there period and they test is positive for a pregnancy test?

If your pregnancy test was positive, then you are almost certainly pregnant. Having your fallopian tubes tied is not a foolproof method of contraception - it has a 1 in 200 failure rate.