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Although Islam is thought of as an Arab religion, there are Muslims in every country in the world. The largest Muslim populations are in Indonesia and Pakistan. Although Islam is thought of as an Arab religion, there are Muslims in every country in the world. The largest Muslim populations are in Indonesia and Pakistan.

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Q: What is Islamic peoples major nationality?
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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's constitution recommending the term of Afghan for all residence of Afghanistan

Is there any relation in Islam?

As Islamic peoples reproduce, apparently there are indeed relations in Islam.

What are differences between American and Islamic people?

The question is what can be called "mixing apples with oranges". The reason the question is poorly structured is that it asks the differences between a nation, the USA, and a religion, Islam. The USA has Islamic peoples, and Islamic peoples in Indonesia, the Middle East & Malaysia all have differences. There is no single "American religion" and there are no "Islamic" peoples that live in nations where Islam predominates that have the same cultures. In fact, in some European nations Islam is the predominate religion. Therefore there can be be no answer to this question.

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The Dome of the Rock is the earliest major Islamic building that still exists today.

What is the religion of major Mauritania?

The MAJOR religion of the country is Islamic Republic. :)

What are the four major Islamic cities in Islamic world and why?

Well I know these are: - Egypt - Saudi Arabia

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They affect them creating an Islamic trade network

What major Islamic event that takes place in Mecca each year?

The major Islamic event that takes place in Mecca every year is pilgrimage (or Hajj).

What country is a major export partner of the Peoples Republic of China?

The United States is a major export partner of the Peoples Republic of China.

What are the major Islamic divisions in the world?

sunni and shiah

What is nationality of people living in spain?

The nationality of people who were born and live in Spain is Spanish and they are called Spaniards. As in most countries lots of different peoples (nationalities) have come to live and work in Spain and they keep their own nationality.