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Q: What is The use of computer technology to provide exposure to feared objects during systematic desensitization?
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What is exposure therapy also called?

Exposure therapy is also known as systematic desensitization or exposure and response prevention (ERP).

Which method of treating phobias involves progressive relaxation and exposure to the feared object?

systematic desensitization

What is another name for desensitization?

It is also known as exposure therapy

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The wireless keyboard or mouse uses infrared technology rather than ultraviolet rays to communicate with the computer, and as such there is no risk of radiation exposure with this.

How do you cure monophobia?

The first step is to admit that you have a problem as it relates to others. But remember, we all have strengths and weakness and hiding your weaknesses takes up more energy than it does to work to overcome them or learn to live with them. The most frequently used form of therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and systematic desensitization or exposure therapy. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 75% of people with specific phobias overcome their fears through cognitive-behavioral therapy. In desensitization or exposure therapy, you are exposed in a safe and controlled way to the object or situation you fear. The most commonly used exposure therapy involves gradual encounters with the fear-producing object, first in the imagination and then in reality. Through repeated experiences facing your fear, you begin to realize that the situation, while possibly unpleasant, is not harmful. With each exposure, you feel an increasing sense of control over your phobia. This sense of control over the situation and yourself is the most important benefit of exposure therapy.

Where did Bill Gates get his first exposure to technology?

Lakeside School

What can long exposure to a computer screen do to you?

Hello lol

What is Systematic desensitization a form of?

Systematic desensitisation is a type of CBT (Cognitive behavioral Therapy) mainly focussing on the behavioral component. It is used for people who have specific types of Phobias e.g. Agoraphobia (fear of being trapped). It is very simple but an effective treatment. Initially the patient is taught some relaxation exercises to use during the therapy. The therapist will usually sit with the patient and come up with a list of situations that cause anxiety to the patient. The patient will then list them in a hierarchal fashion with the least anxiety provoking situation to the most anxiety provoking situation. They will start with the least anxiety provoking situation exposing the patient to it and ask them to utilise the relaxation techniques to prevent the anxiety. This has to be done repeatedly and once this situation does not cause any anxiety, the patient will move to the next step in a graded manner. This requires active participation and repeated practice from the patient but the therapist can help with this initially. Systematic desensitization would involve a schedule of gradual exposure to a situation, or a food or drink, or a fear, the purpose of which would be to enable the subject to eventually accept the situation previously unable to handle.

Scope and limitation of computer games or video games?

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to media violence increases aggression, though the mechanisms of this eVect have remained elusive. One theory posits that repeated exposure to media violence desensitizes viewers to real world violence, increasing aggression by blunting aversive reactions to violence and removing normal inhibitions against aggression. Theoretically, violence desensitization should be reXected in the amplitude of the P300 component of the event-related brain potential (ERP), which has been associated with activation of the aversive motivational system. In the current study, violent images elicited reduced P300 amplitudes among violent, as compared to nonviolent video game players. Additionally, this reduced brain response predicted increased aggressive behavior in a later task. Moreover, these eVects held after controlling for individual diVerences in trait aggressiveness. These data are the Wrst to link media violence exposure and aggressive behavior to brain processes hypothetically associated with desensitization.

Is fear something that can be controlled and if so how?

Fear is a natural response that often keeps us from endangering ourselves, so "controlling" the fear may not always be desirable. In many cases, however, we must perform duties in spite of fear, as in the case of a firefighter entering a burning building to rescue a trapped person. Extensive training and a focus on achieving an objective can help us manage fear in these situations.When fear reaches unrealistic levels, we refer to the situation as a phobia. Phobias can interfere with a person's quality of life, but are easily treated. The standard approach to treating a phobia is systematic desensitization, which combines physical relaxation with gradual exposure to the fear stimulus. The recent advent of virtual reality therapies have greatly enhanced the effectiveness of this type of exposure therapy.Fear is a natural response that often keeps us from endangering ourselves, so "controlling" the fear may not always be desirable. In many cases, however, we must perform duties in spite of fear, as in the case of a firefighter entering a burning building to rescue a trapped person. Extensive training and a focus on achieving an objective can help us manage fear in these situations.When fear reaches unrealistic levels, we refer to the situation as a phobia. Phobias can interfere with a person's quality of life, but are easily treated. The standard approach to treating a phobia is systematic desensitization, which combines physical relaxation with gradual exposure to the fear stimulus. The recent advent of virtual reality therapies have greatly enhanced the effectiveness of this type of exposure therapy.

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