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It pretty much just means that bills get passed through easily because the majority of Senators come from the party that's in power.

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Q: What is a friendly senate?
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What is the difference with a friendly witness and a unfriendly witness?

Friendly witnesses were those who answered questions about themselves and others.Unfriendly witnesses, those who refused to cooperate with the Senate hearings,

How did the US Senate react to President Roosevelt's pledge to the League of Nations?

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What is the name of the place the senate meets?

Senate Chamber The Senate Chamber

What is a Senate committee?

A Senate committee is a comittee of people in the Senate who decide on certain laws to be passed on to a full Senate vote.

What does 'mock-friendly' mean?

mock friendly - pretending to be friendly

The power to confirm appointments to supreme court resides in?

with the Senate

What do you call the Senate member elected by the Senate who stands in as president of the Senate in the absence of the vice president?

The office is Senate pro tempore. He is elected by the Senate. The current custom is to elect the majority party member with the greatest seniority in the Senate.

Who has the power to approve or disapprove treaties?

The Senate is responsible for either approving of a treaty or rejecting it.