

Best Answer

In Michigan:

  • Central Michigan University
  • Western Michigan University
  • Michigan State University
  • University of Michigan
  • Grand Valley State University
  • Cornerstone University
  • Ferris State University
  • Wayne State University
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Q: What is a good college to go to for an elementary education major?
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What college is good for elementary math teacher?

Pretty much the Ivy Leagues and colleges that offer education degrees are going to be good for elementary math teachers. College life can be rough, but is also a rewarding experience when you finally have your freedom from your parents.

Benito Mussolini education?

Benito Mussolini had a good elementary and high school education. However, when he reached college, he had troubles. He was expelled from the University of Lausanne in 1904.

What math classes does an elementary teacher have to take in college?

The requirements differ from one country to another, but a good example is Michigan: Elementary education classes are pretty much prescribed by the program. Unless your declared major or minor is math, you will be required to take only those classes that are university requirements. Generally, that is algebra.

How do you become a choir teacher?

Attend college, major in Choral Music Education, apply at a school district. Good luck.

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"Exploring the Impact of Technology Integration in Mathematics Instruction for Elementary Students in the Philippines" "Examining the Benefits of Multicultural Education in Enhancing Cultural Awareness Among Elementary Students in the Philippines" "Investigating the Role of Parental Involvement in Early Literacy Development in Philippine Elementary Schools"

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The good college for a nurse education would be a nursing college. I think suffolk would be one of them but not really sure.

What level of college math do you need to complete to become a sixth grade math teacher?

That depends on the state you live in. In some states, sixth grade can be taught with either an Elementary Education degree (usually good for K-8th grade) or by a Secondary Education degree (6th grade-12th grade). Elementary Education majors need to take the same basic math classes all other college students take plus a "math for Elementary School teachers" type class. In most states, to get Secondary Education certification you need to get a major in a subject matter, then take extra classes to learn to teach. So you'd need to get a BS in Math, which involves LOTS of math classes starting with Calculus and going up from there, including theory classes.

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i believe it is but there a better ones out there

How can you pass the praxis 11 for elementary content 0014?

Get a good study guide to prepare for the test. A popular one with good reviews is by Educational Testing Services. It's called Elementary Education: Content Knowledge Study Guide (Praxis Study Guides)You can order it from here