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my cat keeps crying for no reson at all an mine cat is rollin across the floor and i am sceard and i dont want to do because i got no wormsin tables in the house

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Q: What is a good medication that will treat all types of worms in cats?
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Are there home remedies for cats with worms?

None that I would experiment with on my own cat. There are three major types of worms that cats can get: roundworms and hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. Each requires a completely different type of medication. Honestly, a fecal float at a vet clinic should cost $10-15 and the medication to treat the findings is generic, extremely safe and dirt cheap from your veterinarian. It is much safer for your cat to see the vet and get the correct medication than to try to deal with intestinal worms on your own.

Can you hear worms in cats belly?

No, but their stomachs feel somewhat hard when they have any types of worms.

Do Cats have worms?

A cat can die from certain types of worms. Like the heartworm, a cat can die from. But worms around its rear end aren't fatal. It's best if you contact a vet and get it treated so its not going to spread to other cats.

Can you give a dog cat wormer?

No, the ingredients and dose rates are different between cats and dogs, and some dewormers can only be used in one species. Your best option is to get a cat-specific dewormer to treat your cat's worms - for the majority of worms cats get, there are pretty cheap medication available to deal with them.

What is the long stringy stuff coming from your cats butt?

The long stringy stuff coming from your cats butt is probably worms. To treat this take your cat to the vet.

What is the medicine Cosequin used for in cats?

Cosequin is a veterinary medication that is used to treat osteoarthritis. It can be used for cats, dogs, or birds and contains the active ingredients glucosamine and chondroitin.

How do worms eat cats?

Worms eat cats that are decomposed and they take small bites of it.

Does the white worms in cats come from pork?

White worms in cats and dogs are probably tapeworm, which is spread by fleas.

Can you use FrontLine plus for cats on a small dog?

Absolutely NOT- only use medication for dogs for dogs and medication for cats for cats!

What time of year do cats get worms?

cats do not get worms if they are properly fed and healthy, if they do contract some sort of disease that causes worms they need to be taken to a vet immediately.

Can you treat worms in a pregnant cat?

Not sure on this, however worms can present health risks such as anemia and being lethargic among others. The needed anesthesia could intensify these or complicate things further. Best bet is to rid the cat of worms first.

Can you use synanthic on cats for worms?

NOT at all