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A very old one that works well. Take a large Swede (known as Yellow Turnip or Rutabaga ) Do not cook it. Take the top off Scoop out the inside, leaving about 1/2inch or 1cm of skin left all over it. MASH the removed Raw contents (use a mincer or food processor) Mix the same volume of Sugar (cane or beet sugar - not an artificial or honey) with the mashed swede. Put the mixture back into the shell (skin) and put top back on. LEAVE IT in an ordinary room (not too cold, but no flies. Pour out the liquid syrup as it forms and use as a cough medicine. You cannot overdose on it (unless diabetic) as you will be limited by the time it takes to form. We used to do it with 3 or 4 swede at a time, each with a small hole in the side at the base, stood in a large bowl to collect the syrup. It is soothing, high in vitamin (esp C) and natural.

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16y ago
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14y ago

You didn't explain why you were coughing. If you have a cold or a type of flu there are many products on the market that will help relieve the coughing so ask your pharmacist which product is the best and if you are on any medications please tell the pharmacist because your medications could interact with a product he gives you. Believe it or not, this works! I heard that rubbing the soles of your feet and tops of your feet with Vicks Vapo Rub, putting on socks and going to bed stopped the coughing. I didn't believe it until I tried it tonight on my husband who coughs more at night from his cold (common) and he hasn't coughed once through the night and others swear by this method as well. If you are congested due to a cold or flu then DON'T sleep laying down! Prop a couple of pillows up and lean back and you'll have less coughing because your sinus' won't drain down the back of your throat so badly and you will find you can breath better. Vaporizors with Buckleys or Vicks Vapo Rub on the lip of it (close your bedroom door) will also help loosen up phlegm in the lungs and chest area and clear sinus'. If this cough continues for more than 3 - 4 days it's time to see your doctor. Pneumonia and Bronchitis are on the prowl once again or you may have an infection and may need antibiotics. --------------- If you are looking for home remedies, you could try grating a spoonful of ginger. Add some honey to it and let it dissolve slowly in your mouth. This soothes your throat.

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16y ago

There are many home remedies for cough. Hot tea with honey and lemon is one. Slippery elm bark tea is another one that coats the throat and sooths coughs. Horehound drops and other herbs mixed with sugar are often used. Take 1 tsp of Rocking Rye liquer every 4 hours or as needed.

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12y ago

If your cough is a result of acid reflux try to raise your head of your bed for about 4 inches and then avoid eating for about 2 hours before you lie down since acid reflux mostly occur in this position.

Try to drink atleast 8oz glasses of water to help ease the cough or inhale the steam from hot shower, vaporizer or container with boiling water.

Also avoid as much irritants which might cause Allergies. Also, avoid smoking and other irritants such as chemicals which are found in household cleaners.

Eat hot foods or drink tea such as ginger in order to loosen mucus. Try to avoid foods such as dairy products, meat and fried foods etc.

Place hot/warm compress on the chest and throat. This helps in giving a soothing relief.

Prepare a mixture of a garlic glove with a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. This combination of garlic and lemon juice helps in opening up sinus passages and, along with the honey, it also helps in breaking up phlegm.

Hope this helps.

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11y ago

The first remedy is to gurgle in hot water with little salt every half an hour. It will provide relief , ease the throat infection. If the throat condition worsens, take cough syrup as per Doctor's advice.

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7y ago

We get cold which accompanies with bad cough and mucus in our lungs. We pop capsules, blend tea, and throw back containers of cold meds however these normally will fade the symptoms temporarily but not permanently. So, there are new medicines which we take to cure our cold (What's more, vanishing about as fast… )

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12y ago

With winter comes coughs and colds, and ensuing misery. Exposure to over the counter medication should be limited due to the wear and tear they can have on the liver and kidneys. One tried and true treatment for coughs can be found in the kitchen: honey. The thick viscosity of the honey coats the esophagus which eases irritation and lessens the urge to cough. A tablespoon of honey taken before bedtime is especially effective.

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9y ago

The best remedy to relieve a cough is by using cough medicine or cough drops. Other ways is thyme tea, honey tea, and a hot shower.

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* When someone has a bad cough then human nature takes over and brain sends the message to cough no matter where you are. The only thing you can do is apologize and say something like 'I've got a terrible cold and apologize for this nagging cough.' There are cough drops that you can get or cough syrups that will help remedy the problem.

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To swallow live spiders in butter. Gross, right?

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Coughs due to bacterial or viral upper respiratory infections may be effectively treated with complementary therapies. The choice of remedy will vary and be specific to the type of cough the patient has.

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lakdan is a herbal plant, the raw leaves extract added with lemon juice is a home remedy for cough this is very popular in region 8, better than cough syrup.

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EUCALYPTUS is the best medicine to cure the cough and cold

Can taking halls cough drop cure a sore throat?

I don't know if Hall's Cough Drops has an herbal formula, so I don't think it can cure a sore throat. Herbal cough drops with echinacea and goldenseal are an excellent remedy though when taken with herbal capsules as well.

What is the simplest home remedy for cough?

If you think you are responsible enough to own a dog, then take the responsibility to take it to the veterinarian. The dog should be checked out.

Can you take cough syrup after drinking tequila?

My Italian grandmother would pour my sips of Anisette when I was a young boy to suppress my cough and help me fall asleep. I still use this home remedy as an adult.

How do you make Madurai chicken curry?

Madurai chicken curry is spicier but light dish. The authenticate recipe is a good remedy for cold and cough too.

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Kennel cough IS highly contagious but its like a human cough, you wouldn't go to the doctor to treat it so why get the vet to treat it. A teaspoon of good quality manuka honey a few times a day and some plain natural yoghurt after their tea. It'll go away in about a week.