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its an anti theft system that uses a hall effect sensor to send a resistance value to a part of the ignition system in some gm vehicles

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Q: What is a passlock?
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Passlock on 99 grand am?

It does have the passlock system, what is the question?

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I think suburban went to passlock in 98

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Can you bypass passlock sensor?

go to tube to disable passlock system for good. (just type in problem). type in have a good day!!

Disable passlock system 97 Buick Skylark custom?

cut the yellow small wire from ign. switch in the column up by the switch. this is the passlock wire.

Would a worn ignition key cause the theft system to go to passlock mode so the vehicle won't start this vehicle is a 97 olds?

The thing that causes the PASSLOCK to activate is the chip, if you will. If the chip is bad, ar is unrecognizable to the system, the PASSLOCK will activate. Take it to a dealer asap. You can bypass the passlock by accessing the ignition, and cutting the yellow wire of a small 3 piece wire set that's on top of the ignition. cut the yellow small wire from ign. switch in the column up by the switch. this is the passlock wire.

Can you deactivate passlock anti-theft system in a 96 Pontiac grand am?

yes you can easily disable this passlock system. simply cut the yellow small wire from ign. switch in the column up by the switch. this is the passlock wire. dealer says it cannot be done, they lie however.

How do you bypass Alero Passlock system?

Smash the window

How do you get a password for your iPod?

settings/general/passlock code

What causes the engine not to start when security light is on?

The security is keeping it from starting which is what it is supposed to do.

Does a 1991 Olsmobile Tornado have a passlock I passlock II or VATF?

Yes it does. 90-92 if i remember correctly. Look at my profile and read up on it. Just click on my name