

What is client-server?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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14y ago

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The computer requesting information is called a CLIENT.

The computer responding to the request is called a SERVER.

Data transfer from a client to as server is reffered to as an upload.

EX. When you want to enter the game. Ur the client waiting for the server to get you in

Data transfer from a server to a client is reffered to as a download.

EX. When you download stuff from Limewire or Utorrent. Your the server waiting for the client to give you the song or movie.

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14y ago
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15y ago

The majority of networks use at least one server. A server is a specially designated computer, sometimes of a higher specification, that acts as the controlling machine for the network. The other computers, known as clients, connect either directly or indirectly to it, for doing things such as logging in, accessing centrally stored files, printing and other things. In essence the server provides services to the clients. You also have "peer to peer" networks, where no single machine has a higher status than others.

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15y ago

Client/server describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. Although the client/server idea can be used by programs within a single computer, it is a more important idea in a network. In a network, the client/server model provides a convenient way to interconnect programs that are distributed efficiently across different locations. Computer transactions using the client/server model are very common. For example, to check your bank account from your computer, a client program in your computer forwards your request to a server program at the bank. That program may in turn forward the request to its own client program that sends a request to a database server at another bank computer to retrieve your account balance. The balance is returned back to the bank data client, which in turn serves it back to the client in your personal computer, which displays the information for you. If you more information,follow this link:

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14y ago

The term client-server refers to a popular model for computer networking that utilizes client and server devices each designed for specific purposes. The client-server model can be used on the internet as well as local area networks (LANs). Examples of client-server systems on the Internet include Web Browsers and Web servers, FTP clients and servers, and DNS.

Client and Server Devices

Client/server networking grew in popularity many years ago as personal computers (PCs) became the common alternative to older mainframe computers. Client devices are typically PCs with network software applications installed that request and receive information over the network. Mobile devices as well as desktop computers can both function as clients.

A server device typically stores files and databases including more complex applications like Web sites. Server devices often feature higher-powered central processors, more memory, and larger disk drives than clients.

Client-Server Applications

The client-server model distinguishes between applications as well as devices. Network clients make requests to a server by sending messages, and servers respond to their clients by acting on each request and returning results. One server generally supports numerous clients, and multiple servers can be networked together in a pool to handle the increased processing load as the number of clients grows.

A client computer and a server computer are usually two separate devices, each customized for their designed purpose. For example, a Web client works best with a large screen display, while a Web server does not need any display at all and can be located anywhere in the world. However, in some cases a given device can function both as a client and a server for the same application. Likewise, a device that is a server for one application can simultaneously act as a client to other servers, for different applications.

[Some of the most popular applications on the Internet follow the client-server model including email, FTP and Web services. Each of these clients features a user interface (either graphic- or text-based) and a client application that allows the user to connect to servers. In the case of email and FTP, users enter a computer name (or sometimes an IP address) into the interface to set up connections to the server.

Local Client-Server Networks

Many home networks utilize client-server systems without even realizing it. Broadband routers, for example, contain DHCP servers that provide IP addresses to the home computers (DHCP clients). Other types of network servers found in home include print servers and backup servers.

Client-Server vs Peer-to-Peer and Other Models

The client-server model was originally developed to allow more users to share access to database applications. Compared to the mainframe approach, client-server offers improved scalability because connections can be made as needed rather than being fixed. The client-server model also supports modular applications that can make the job of creating software easier. In so-called "two-tier" and "three-tier" types of client-server systems, software applications are separated into modular pieces, and each piece is installed on clients or servers specialized for that subsystem.

Client-server is just one approach to managing network applications The primary alternative, peer-to-peer networking, models all devices as having equivalent capability rather than specialized client or server roles. Compared to client-server, peer to peer networks offer some advantages such as more flexibility in growing the system to handle large number of clients. Client-server networks generally offer advantages in keeping data secure.

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14y ago

A computer system in which a central server supports a number of networked workstations

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9y ago

A client-server system is where one node exercises administrative control over other nodes. The opposite is a peer-to-peer system where all nodes are equal.

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10y ago

A client based network is a computer system that does not have a centralized server. This causes more risks and more headaches because each user has to back up their data individually.

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12y ago

a network set up between client system n sever system to communicate wit each other is called client server network.

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