

What is aerobic excercise?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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14y ago

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aerobic exercise includes running, jogging, jumping jacks, Regular day stuff nut it helps you use your muscels for a long period of time. Kids should do pull ups and push ups at least 3 times a day which i aerobic excercise too. Unlike anaerobic its better you can do it everyday. It helps your muscels more than anaerobic excercise

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Depends on the intensity and duration of the excercise and, your weight.

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time. coffee is the biggest myth. but their are only two things you can do to decrease the affect .1 & 2togther. drink plenty of water, and do as much AEROBIC excercise as possible..... T W ...

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A lot of group exercises encourage more progress, because you're generally more motivated with other people. Some examples of group classes include Yoga, Pilates, and Aerobic Swimming.

If you weigh 150 pounds and want to lose 25 pounds in 2 months what should you daily calorie intake be?

You can only lose 1-2lbs a week while maintaining good health. That means two months gives you about 8 weeks, or 16 lbs that you could lose. Also, keep in mind that absolute weight is not a good goal to strive for, as it can vary due to muscle and bone density. If you want to "lose weight" you should look at goals centered around your body fat percentage, which can be roughly calculated with a fancy bathroom scale, or a tape measure and some calculations. For a more exact measurement, you need calipers. Lowering your caloric intake by 250 - 500 calories (depending on your basal metabolic rate) and increasing your excercise (especially long and sustained aerobic excercise) are the two methods to go about changing your body fat. Don't lower your caloric intake by more than 25% or else your body will start to think that it's starving and hold onto fat above all else. In terms of excercise, the longer you excercise in one session, the more efficiently you burn fat. After 4 hours of sustained aerobic excercise, you're up to 70% efficiency. After an hour or so, you're at 30% efficiency. After you finish aerobic excercise, it's also important to eat some carbohydrates and protein to replenish the glycogen in the muscles and to help build more muscle tissue. If you don't have the fuel handy, your body will break down muscle (not fat).

Is basketball aerobic or anaerobic?

While running up & down the court, your heart is working close its potential as an athlete. You are going through an aeoobic excercise. When you can no longer breathe, you need oxygen & have just become anaerobic. However, you quickly recover and are able to get back on the floor.