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Q: What is an anterverted uterus with an endometrium of 6.5mm mean?
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What does slightly disordered proliferative endometrium and myometrium mean?

The proliferative endometrium is what is shed from the uterus when a woman has her cycle. A slightly disordered endometrium is a form of cancer.

What is endometium?

I think you may mean endometRium. If so, it's the lining of the uterus.

What does it mean if you have bleeding but no lining of the uterus sheds?

The uterus has 3 layers: Endometrium. This is the inner lining. It is shed during your period.

Normal uterus with endometrium suggestive of proliferative phase?

my specimen sent to the lab was endometrium for hpe and it shows multiple grey brown soft tissuee bits measuring 1.5x0.5cmm& the impression report is typed correlating with clinacal datails features are of anovalatory disorederly proliferative phase endometrium. may i know what this mean....

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the circumference of the wheel

What does endometrium heterogeneous mean?

It is an endometrium that is not uniform and is a mixture of different components and changes.

What does DC mean in the event of a miscarriage?

I think you may be referring to "D and C," which means "Dilation and Curettage." It is a procedure to scrape and collect the tissue (endometrium) from inside the uterus. Dilation is a widening of the cervix to allow instruments into the uterus and curettage is the scraping of the contents of the uterus. The procedure has a number of uses including the removal of tissue after a miscarriage. For more information, go to:

Can you have a baby with a scraped uterus?

If by scraped you mean a D&C (dilatation and curettage), then yes you can. Most women will not experience a decrease in fertility after D&C. However, this is a rare complication, usually after a more aggressive D&C/multiple D&Cs when the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is almost fully scraped off/scarred. Good luck!

What does it mean when a pimple like bump is in uterus?

what does it mean when pimple like bump is in uterus

What does a firm uterus mean?

It might mean that the uterus contains fibroids that are causing the firmness.

What does trilaminar endometrium mean?

"Trilaminar emdometrium" is a term generally applied to the (ultra)sonographic pattern of the endometrium. It speaks to the "shape" of the interuterine area and, by default the echoic properties of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. Let's back up. The uterine lining, the endometrium, undergoes changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. In cases where a woman is undergoing some sort of fertility treatment, sonography reveals something about the characteristics of the endometrium, and investigators may suspect that conditions may or may not be favorable to fertilization and conception based on what they see in the sonogram. A trilaminar endometrium is more favorable than non-trilaminar. What seems the case is that if the "general shape" of the image is a trilaminar endometrium, then the conditions for favorable outcomes in insemination attempts are improved over non-trilaminar sonography. There is not guarantee, but in the clearly non-trilaminar imaging, no pregnancies occurred in the studies.

What could borderline thickened endometrium mean in a transvaginal ultrasound if you already have your period?
